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Could it be allergy

i am suffering from red, inflamed , burning , hypersensitive eyes for a very long time now and i went to see a lot of eye doctors over the past year. The doctors diagnosed me with meibom gland disfunction , rosacea and severe dry eye.
But the last doctor i went to see said i do not have dry eyes. To make a long story short nobady can give me a firm diagnose.

I work in a nailsalon and sometimes my eyes burn even harder at work . there are a lot of fumes but no ventillation system. Could my problem be an allergy to chemicals???I have tested my blood there were no signs of an  allergy.My eyes were tested for allergic conjunctivitis , also negative. last year i went to italy for tree weeks and there was no improvement so i was convinced it had nothing to do with the nailproducts. I really want to be sure because my eyes are killing me ! i have other symptoms like fatigue, irritable, itchy earcanal, mouth ulcers, rash on eyelids, stiff nose, and i forget a lot lately. My eyes are never swolen but always red . Is it possible that even when i am not in contact with the products they stay in my body for a very long time so that the symptoms dont go away .

Thank u

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Anyone :-)
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my guess is the fumes.I can't even use nail polish any more. My nails will flake.I know thats a hard one cause you'd have to find another profession but for your health its worth it.
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thank u for your comment! the fumes and dust do irritate my eyes , i know that but i wonder why the symptoms never  disappear . and my bloodtest was negative for allergies. i cant prove it ;-)
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