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Dildo Allergy

My boyfriend bought a standard 'jelly' dildo, so we could have some fun in the bedroom, but when he used it on me, it caused extreme burning sensation inside me. For a while we thought it was the lube and just hadn't tried the dildo after. We broke up and I purchased a dildo of my own, made of the same substance as the dildo he had bought. Again, extreme burning. I'm not allergic to latex, and I bought another dildo made of a different softer substance that causing no problems.

I've read up on this and think I've found the problem, Multiple Chemical Sensitivites (MCS) but I'm not a doctor so I'm not positive.

My question is;

What am I allergic to?
Are the alternatives to the dildo?
I've read that MCS can develop and leave at anytime ((Like my extreme allergy with bounce sheets, almost killed me, but recently doesn't bother me at all)) so will this go away?
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A recent personal experience that may make this issue clearer.
I purchased a Doc Johnson Big **** & Balls # 7001-03-CD gel dildo. It arrived in undamaged or tampered packaging, was removed from the packaging, rinsed under the tap, and inserted into my partner’s vagina for about 1 minute, no deeper than 1 inch, then all hell broke loose.
She ran into the bathroom screaming in pain and began to rinse herself under the tap in the bath. Her cries were agonising, and the water was not doing anything to help. Between sobs she was telling me that her vagina was burning and felt like a thousand needles were piercing her. We also tried milk, and finally a mild baby shampoo over the course of the next hour, before some relief was felt. The pain continued for a further 2 hours, and a lingering sensation over the next 24 hours.
I initially thought it was an adverse allergic reaction, and to test this I placed the dildo on my tongue for a moment, and immediately I felt a burning yet numbing sensation. I rinsed my mouth with water and milk repeatedly, but the sensation remained for about 3 hours.
We have used jelly/gel toys before with no adverse effects, and it is highly improbable that we both had an allergic reaction. The reality is there is a chemical or compound on or in the jelly dildo that has caused this.
The manufacturer, Doc Johnson, has been woeful in addressing this. I have sent them numerous emails, and even an audio recording of my partner that captured her screams of pain, but the only response I got from them was “Yes. This a Doc Johnson product. Big **** & Balls # 7001-03-CD. This product is made with PVC body safe material. Perhaps the store where  you purchased this item can help you with a replacement.  Doc Johnson does not warranty products outside of North America. Hope this helps”
The do not seem to care that they have caused this injury, and certainly don’t seem to be doing anything to investigate the cause, let alone recall or withdraw these products from the marketplace and protect their consumers.
This is just not good enough, and I am making sure that this serious problem becomes public knowledge.
I urge you to post your experience on this forum, and any others that you may find. Whilst this sort of issue can be a bit embarrassing to make public, these manufacturers rely on your reluctance to report it to get away with this, and that can’t be allowed to happen. I have also now lodged formal complaints with every Australian, US and California authority with an interest in product and consumer safety, and would encourage people with similar experiences to do so also. This may lead to real action being taken.
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I have what feels like a horrible burn on my vagina from a dildo.  Nothing I use has relieved the pain.    Can anyone tell me if they were able to treat this burning/blistering sensation?
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My husband and I bought the Doc Johnson Mighty Maxi Brute 0401-01-CD today, we just used it and my insides are on FIRE! I have tried everything to stop the burning, my husband, tried it to see if I was having an allergic reaction and now he is on fire as well! What the hell is wrong with this product, it is labeled as a SiloGel product anti-bacterial, non-toxic formula, latex free, and cadium free but we are yet somehow both suffering from an extremly painful internal burning sensation. Neither of us has any known allergy, and thus neither of us is allergic to latex. I am a nurse and have no answer for this situation and I will be reporting this to both manufacturer and retailer. If I do not get satisfaction I will be reporting this to the proper authorities.
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Its not an allergic reaction. In fact it probably became worse after bleaching it, and will become worse after boiling it. The cheap dildos from China are made of toxic plastics that are supose to be disposed of safely. However are used in a veriety of items that are sent to the US. The coating on them make them apear safe at first until it wears off. Making most people think its an allergic reaction or their lube or other reasons. Ive been doing extensive reasearch and have learned there is something corrupt about the plastic used. Please post all over the internet any side effects you notice in your health now and even over time. Eventually the truth will be exposed! You can also test the rubber by boiling/cleaning, cooling down. Then cutting out a piece and placing on your toung. It should burn your toung just as bad. It will also burn anyones toung that tries it which proves it is not an allergic reaction. Right now its just a bunch of conspiracy theories but from my research over the last couple years. It seems the material is toxic and expensive to dispose of. Sex toys seem to be the best hiding place for this waste. By the time the protective coating wears off, most people think its an allergic reaction or their lube, or germs. Not to mention most people are not going to complain about their sex toys having issues. The perfect hiding place for toxic materials that may cause long term health issues.
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Thank you for the post. I must agree with your statement that toxic dildos are
manufactured with "safe" coatings that wear off. My Dildo ( sorry I don't have the make or model number) increasingly burned my wife which each use to the point, that even the use of 2 condoms! ! , we had to discontinue the use and now we are clueless of what other "safe" opinions there are.....
IF you are correct with the statement that these dildos are a way for China to use America's women vagina's and assh#@'s for dumping places for THEIR very toxic chemical's that can harm our health and well being is absolutely the are and it begs the question of whether anybody else is correcting this major problem or do we have to collect all these toxic dildos and melt them down and send them back to China as  "magic suppositories... the longer you shove them up your *** the bigger the magic!!" ...
I am really upset about this and I would like more info about the findings of your research and what is done about this.... just think of all the different way's  China could "hide" their toxic waste and ship it around the world!!! I bet that dildos are not the only way!!!
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I have similar allergy reaction witb ovo dildo. Every tine i ise it i got a burn and then variety of infections and i was cleaning it well... i wonder if anybodyelse have lived something similar with this brand
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I recently reazlied I’m allergic to a vibrator called “touch” from wevibe... Made of “medical grade silicone” that’s what it says on the website but I noticed I wake up with swollen itchy eyes and a horrible fever every time I use it. I’m throwing it away I’ve been sick for a year I even went to get an allergy test but I’m the test doesn’t show I’m allergic to anything? I was feeling crazy because nobody could figure it out. I woke up very sick with fever again and I was asking myself if I ate or used anything that might have cause the fever and swollen eyes and then i realized it was the sex toy! I tested again a few days later and I woke up sick again. I’m not sure what ingredients they made this from as the label could be a lie but maybe it’s the silicones?
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Thank you so much for sharing this. I recently starting using one of We-Vibe products. Shortly after starting I had a fever that last nine days and have had a run on of many other serious medical side effects to which non of the doctors can determine a cause for. I’m out of my mind wondering what is wrong with me. My most recent period is extremely heavy and on day 27 & not appearing to stop any time soon. I will be sharing this info with them. Hopefully this is the cause and treatment can be found. Your info just clicks. Thank you!!
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