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Do I have an allergy and if so what of?

I've always had a sniffly nose but never paid much attention but recently I've been noticing how I do it way more then normal and just read online that dark circles under the eyes could be a sign of an allergy and I've had them for probably as long as I've had a sniffly nose.

So do I have an allergy based on what I've described? Are there any other symptoms I could be missing? Is there an easy way to check or do I need to consult my gp?
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Ok so from the sounds of it, it is something noteworthy enough to bring to a gp then?

I just want to make sure of that before I do. I don't wanna be a hypocondriac.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The rash could be due to an allergic reaction. It could be Hives, which develop in response to an allergic reaction, by the release of histamine. The allergen can be medications, food, extremes of temperature, exercise and viral infections to name a few. So, therapy lies in resolving the infection and anti-histamines. You will need to consult your  primary care physician who will examine you and may ask for blood tests. If the need arises he may refer you to a dermatologist. In the meantime you can use OTC antihistamines like benadryl.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Well like I stated before I have a sniffly nose and black circles all year around and hay fever only happens when flowes/grass/ trees pollinate which is spring to early autumn so it leads me to think its not that.

Been thinking if there is any other symptoms that I have been missing. I notice that I do get red marks/spots on my legs and arms. More on my legs really. These are sometimes itchy. Is this related or another problem to worry about?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The constant runny nose and nasal congestion could be due to vasomotor rhinitis (hay fever), which is an allergic response. The symptoms occur in response to a trigger, like eating spicy food or going outside in the cold. It is difficult to predict what exactly is the allergen. Maintain a diary and note down your symptoms, this will help to narrow down the search. The primary treatment is simply avoiding the things that trigger your symptoms. It is often treated with a drying nasal spray (like Atrovent) and antihistamines like chlopheneramine and lovatidine are effective. Nasal decongestant drops too relieve congestion. Please consult your primary care physician for further evaluation.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1820479 tn?1317320956
my recommendation is that you have your GP send you to an allergy doctor for allergy testing -- then you'll know exactly what you are allergic to.
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Forgot to add I do already have a hay fever allergy but I have this problem year round.

Also if it isn't an allergy then why is my nose always sniffly?
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