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Does anyone know whats making this reaction happen?

Does anyone know whats making this reaction happen?
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What reaction, you haven't stated it.
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How are you? Can you elaborate on the reaction or symptom you are experiencing? We need this and your medical history as well. Take care and regards.
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People around me are sneezing, coughing and coming down with flu symptoms for the last 7yrs. And it’s getting worse. Within this year 2009 ive had 4 jobs. I know I had a problem but not this bad. The 1st job I stayed on for 4mo and boy did I see madness. Every one was getting sick .my mgt came down with the flu had to be hospitalized .than I quit. Primary doctor tests my blood, salva, and stool,x-rays,TB found everything to be fine. Ref me over to the ENT doctor took sinus x-rays had a sinus infection and staf put me on bacterium.  Start a new job, people started sneezing, coming down with colds but the 4 young ladies who set directly in front of me was fine. The one how set next to me was good the whole 4mo I was there. She just got a sty on her eye and her doctor told her it was from bacteria. Went back to the ENT told him the bacterium was working but I need more...said no. started a new job...Very close Environment with 15 people. With in 4-5 days people were sneezing. went back to ENT no more infection .Stop by the ENT doctor and rec nasal spray NASSACORT once I start taking Nasacort no one at my office was sneezing any more., Went the dentist for a root canal that Friday call him that Monday he was out with the flu.wnt back to my doctor she told me I need to go see an psychologist .receive 2 more wks of bacterium for another doc. no one else was coming down with a cold.  ask for a ref to see a gastroenterology he went to the bottom of my stomach in the only finding he come up with was acid reflex never had any problem with that, but im taking the purple pill…People are no longer sneezing they just have to clear their throat .than couple of wks ago one of my toe was tingling every night for 2wk doctor ref me to the neurology  tests are fine ,he sent me for a MRI in they found a AVM in my brain that’s another story…3 days ago I found this site and im still trying to figure out what is going on . Hopefully my doctor wills ref me to see a micro lab. I did the cleaning of the colon a couple yrs ago. I was a vegetarian for 1yr. ive taken the silver solution, all my vitamins. Oh ya last wk I went to the pulmonary doctor, take all his test no allergy, i’m asthma. On corticosteroids and ventollin. Took my son to the movie last night no sneeze or coughing think God. my son did wake sd his throat was kinda sore but with in an hr he said he felt nothing... Told my husband how much I love him. He does not know how much Im suffering... But the bless thing about it my son nor my husband don’t have any reaction... Several of my doctors told me it’s not my problem people have allgey reaction. Don’t worry about them…. It’s not about them, it’s about me and I need help…want a spinal tab doc said if I had a problem there I would be in pain. I think this started 18yrs ago .I remember not ever kissing because they would all have to clear their throat for a couple of days after .within 4yr ago  its air borne around the corner.  Once I thought air borne herpes virus.   GOD LOVES US ALL..          
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Hi Jane.

This could all be a huge coincedence of course. And in tht case who can help?
But if not I am glad I caught this last reply before anyone else, because People may get all caught up in you being a carrier of some bacteria like a cold for all this time. When you don't have to be carrying that to give someone a cold or flu.
Someone can get a cold any time their immune is low. For cold virus is in the air we breath all the time and our immune fights it off most times. But it is when our immune is low or quite busy with something else that the virus gets a jump on us, and once it does it is around for a spell. Example: Cold is a virus and you can't get a cold from being in the cold. But why is it that when we don't dress warm or it is so cold that for a time we can not keep warm enough, we usually get a cold. Thus people think because they usually get one after freeze for a spell. You come in with the sniffles and bam. There it is. Reason is that the one thing that our bodies defenses must do and will prioritize is to keep our body warm enough or we die. And it takes a lot of energy/fuel, to keep us warm. So much that it wears us down at a rapid rate. So it is not the temp that makes us sick. It is the fact that the cold temp has run us doqn so much so fast, that the viruses which we breath all the time can now attack us with success. This said, it is entirely possible that you do carry something which is not serious because the immune can kill it. But when they 1st get it, the body is quite busy with it and put much energy into attacking it. Thus wearing them down, and bam! That cold virus in the air infects them while they are weak.
So looking for some bacteria like a cold may show to be useless, and is why nothing has been found. This is just theory now. And thus they fight off what you MIGHT have and gave them and thus no one ever sees that with them. And then you would not be able to make them sick again!

I am not a doctor. Just a thinker. a creative one.
And they may be still carrying this thing too with no symptoms.

As for your acid reflux. I would never say to go off a pill. Because you could be harmed by doing so. But seeing that it is just acid reflux so mild you never even knew you had it, I want to explain something to you. According to Kevin Trudeau "and this worked for me  i"ll explain in sec" there is a big scam and a better way to fix it in one shot. First the theory.
Many times when people have reflux they think that they are too acidic, while they are not. Just the opposite actually. You see not enough acid and food doesn't digest as fast as it should being that the acid is what breaks the food down. So when they take a tums or rolaid etc... That is a scam. How it actually works is this. The pill or chewable rids your belly totally of acid. This extreme low amount of acid then triggers the body to make a lot of acid. Then you have enough acid to digest and acid reflux goes away. But doing it this way is an ongoing thing. You are stuck on that pill. Un-neccesary pills is not a good thing to do depending on the side effects and damage to the liver. So instead of ridding the body of acid in order to create more acid and being dependent, you can just take a tablespoon of vinegar!
I was addicted to rolaids when I saw this on TV. Had reflux every day for so long! Costing me much money too. So I had some dill pickles in the fridge, and drank a good swallow. He said that if you are actually too acidic instead on not enough, then after the vinegar you will feel worse. But if you feel better it is because you needed MORE acid! And so after drinking it that nite when I needed another rolaid, reflux went away. And stayed away for 2 weeks. I got it back then and did this pickle juice again. That time was enough that for 4 years now I never had to use it again.

I am sorry to say this to you but reading your post and also seeing in there too that you went on the purple pill because you had a tiny bit of reflux you couldn't even feel. and when a bit of reflux we can't feel is harmless. This tells me, or at least I lean towards the fact that you are a hypercondriac. And thus this further makes me think this whole "you making people sick thing" may be a big coincedence.
But this is a guess from little hints in your post. Maybe for now you should stop worrying so much. When it gets to the point that it is disturbing you like this it is not good. Too much stress and/or worry makes you sick more because stress wears you down huge. And is why stress ages us! Makes us acidosis from constant stress. Look how much Clinton aged in 4 years of being our president! In 4 yrs time he aged 20!
Stress is harming you! I don't like to hurt peoples feelings. But I like even less to see them hurt themselves forever too. I am sure people will try and help you find an answer for this and I do not want to prevent people from doing so after seeing my post. Please people don't do this to her. But, When you can't find any answers and time goes by. Which is worse, Giving people a cold they get over. Coughing and wheezing. No real biggie. On the other end of the spectrum, many people who have colds go out and infect others and it doesn't bother them a bit. Some even like to see others suffer too. Helps them except their own. I even had a date, made out with her, and then she told me while something reminded her, that she is just getting over a bad cold. I got it.
So if nothing works here. You need to move on and stop worrying. Maybe they told you to see a head doctor because they know you better than me. People do not tell people that for nothing usually. So maybe you should go that route instead. Take it easy on yourself girl. You only live once. Don't make this only life be all stress and worry, and doctors appointments and waiting for the results. You are going to end up with an ulcer.
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Wow, I didn't think I went on that long! wow! That may be a site record! Sorry about that folks! I try and be gentle as I can and that takes more words. Okay, I am long winded too! haha
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Maybe, just maybe, and take this with a grain of salt, but you may be stressing them out so much, they get sick. Remember what I said about strss wearing one out so much, virus can take them over? Man, I hate to say that to someone. But you want the answer so bad, this may be it. You do seems to switch jobs alot, with no reason told to us for it. And don't be hurt by hearing that from me okay? Because coming from me ain't bad. For I had a hard time keeping jobs for being a worry wart and adhd that I talked so much, that even though I was interesting and fun, I drove them nuts. I had to become self employed! LOL
You have to laugh at yourself sometimes. Sad thing is that when you do people jump all over it. For they love an easy target. People like that suck! I mean when someone states their own faults, there is no no for them to do so too, or carry it on right?
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Thank you on your views, I've heard the same thing several times. Until you walk in my shoes you will never understand. I will take it easy on myself, live life to the fullest and continue to work hard to stay self employed. So i want have to deal with those streeful saturation of making anyone sick. By his strip i’m healed......
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