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Dry Cough from past 6 months

I am having this persistent dry cough from past 6 months. I developed it when i returned back to my home after staying abroad for 4 years. Doctor dignosed it as allergic bronchitis. i dont feel anything in my throat but only in my lung area some  kind of irriation. The cough gets stlimulated when i eat something oily, too spicy or due to pollution. There is no specific time when i start to cough. It just happens any time of the day. But some times it gets really bad when i am sleeping, specially early morning when i get dry throat.  I got my xray and blood tests done. The xray was completly clear but the blood test showed slight allergy. I breathe normally. Doctor prescribed me hetrazan 100, deriphyllin, ab phylline 100 and 300, montair lc,cepodem 100 and cough syrup like jecuf. I have been taking these medicines from quite some time now but they are not producing any effect. Now I am just tired of takin these medicines as they have started to produce side effects in my body. I have stopped all kind of medicines at the moment. Please Help and Suggest!
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Hello rhine11,
How you feeling now. I have same cough problem as you described.
Please suggest prescription for me if recover from this disease.
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Hello rhine11,

Do you have asthma ? Have you ever been tested for asthma. The reason
I suggest this is before I was diagnosed with asthma, I had a persistent dry
cough which would basically happen any time of the day. I'm not a doctor
myself, but reading what your doctor has prescribed for you, it sounds like
an awful lot of drugs. My dry cough was very bad. Here's what would happen. I'd be breathing normally and suddenly I would get a strange feeling in my throat. It would feel like my throat was closing in. I would start to cough
uncontrollably, so hard, that tears would fall down my cheeks. It got to the point where I could recognize the signs. It was rather scary actually. I was concerned as this had never happened before. I made an appointment with
my doctor, told her what was happening with the regards to the dry cough.
She asked me a few questions. Then my doctor at the time told me she thought it might be asthma and asked me to breathe into a long tube.
Anyway, that's how my asthma was discovered many years ago now.
Perhaps you may have the beginning of asthma too. Your mention of a
persistant cough makes me think this might be a possibility. Hope these
comments have been helpful, rhine11.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The other causes for long term cough besides asthma are GERD and post nasal drip from allergies. GERD is gastro esophageal reflux disease where the stomach acids come back into the esophagus and spill into the windpipe causing cough. Treatment with antacids will help neutralize the acids. Post nasal drips can occur with sinusitis and throat infections. Giving up cigarettes will abolish smoker's cough in 90% of people. Talk to your GP about the other causes for cough in the meantime you could try warm salt water gargles and breathing exercises.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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