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Red spot on stomach stuffy nose and sore joints

I have these red bumps all over mostly on my stomach and neck.I have a stuffy nose and my joints in my arms hurt.
the bumps are sometimes itchy but its not so itchy as it was before.I've considered chicken pox because i've never had them before but wouldnt they be super itchy and alot of them? I've considered syphilis but i havent been sexually actuive. so the only things i could think of were allergies or PITYRIASIS ROSEA.

I asked my mom and she told me it was allergies or something to do with the weather change.
it is winter here
the spots have been here for a week and they come and go,right now there fading away

some of them look like this

others look like this but smaller
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My doctor automatically new it was PITYRIASIS ROSEA.
and said it was rare that its only happened acouple times where we live.
he also got the nurse to look at it to learn new things xD
talk about awkward :$
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I recently started felling weak and have lack of appitite and i started to bruse easily.
Im going to the doctors tomorrow morning. He said that its possibly it could be chicken pox,Impentago or allergies.

but im scared its going to be much worse.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the probabilities of the itching with rashes are Atopic dermatitis, Contact dermatitis, sweat dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and drug reaction.

The strongest possibility would be insect bite including chigger bites, mites, flea etc. For itching anti histaminic and medium or low potency topical corticosteroids against prescription are quite effective. Vigorous cleansing with soap and water should be done. Clothing should be washed in hot water or treated with pyrethroid insecticides to kill mites, if mite bites are suspected or confirmed.

Other less likely viral exanthematous infection and bacterial infection like Mycoplasma pneumoniae - serological test and chest radiography is important to rule out and should be treated with appropriate antibiotic, Rocky Mountain spotted fever (it is tick borne disease and needs serological test for diagnosis), scarlet fever; as a result of streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis, Kawasaki disease.

Hence, you need to undergo serological tests for few common causes. I suggest you to consult dermatologist and get a detailed evaluation. Take care and regards.

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