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Ear Fullness/Drainage and Dizziness

Hi, I am a 23 yr. old female.For the past 5 months I have had a dizzy feeling, kind of loopy feeling, my eyes are jittery at times, and my left ear always feels like something is draining down my throat from it, everytime I swallow my ears open and close, but its like my left ear is never full open, feels full. I have taken several different allergy medicines and nothing seems to work. I also have anxiety problems that I take Zoloft for. I have been having headaches on the top of my head occasionally and my eyes are blurry sometimes after I blink. My pupils are also unequal sizes if that has anything to do with it. I just dont know what the constant drainage down my throat could be, it really feels like it is coming from my left ear. My nose never runs at all, so I assume it isnt coming from there? Any suggestions as to what these symptoms might be?
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I have had the same symptoms. I am presently going to a specialist and I am to have tests on the June 26th...the ENG test. I have a post here concerning this. They did a cat scan and it was fine. You may want to go to a doctor.
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I've had the same "draining" sinsation for some time..   Has anyone figured out the problem?   Does any feel like they feel the fluid draining into the chest cavity?
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