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Earrings make my ears itching, hot and painful - allergic?

I'm 22 and had my ears pierced in two places ever since I was a child, but I've never worn earrings longer than an hour because my ears hurt so much and become itchy.

I've tried all types of fake jewlry so I finally bought sterling silver and diamond earrings - tried to leave them over night but woke up in the middle of the night and yanked them out because they hurt.

My mom told me to wear real gold, so then I went out and bought two pairs of expensive 14k white gold stud earrings from Sears and tried to wear them during the day. My ears swelled up so I took them out. They are still red, hot and itchy.

Now I'm wondering if the sears earrings were fake or something. What can I do, I really want to wear these earrings?

Is there any other type of earrings I should try or can I do any type of medical test to see what type of metal i'm allergic to?

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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey Amber,
Go to a previous post of mine from Dec.27, 2010 and follow the instructions for the spinal release procedure. It is an allergy elimination protocol. If combined with EFT-just do a search for a free manual download- the effectiveness increases substantially.
You will need another person to do the spinal release points while you are doing the EFT tapping in the front. Just practice a few times so you can get the breathing and the timing co-ordinated.
You may have to repeat several times back to back and then again in a couple days.
But I suggest you wait till the irritation subsides a bit.
It is a very efficient allergy elimination method that I have used many times
over the years with very good success.
If you need more info, let me know.
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Hi, Yes, I stopped wearing ear rings years ago because they all made my ears itch (even the surgical steal, hypo-allergenice, and gold ones).  For me the discomfort far out weighed my desire to wear ear rings.

God bless.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Could be nickle allergy, but if all earrings do this you may not be able to wear them.

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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Your symptoms could be due to contact dermatitis, that is exposure to an irritant like a chemical or metal or anything you are allergic to, it can cause rash. It could also be due to eczema or sometimes due to atopic dermatitis. But to exactly pin point the pathology you will need to consult your  primary care physician who will examine you an may ask for blood tests. If the need arises he may refer you to a dermatologist.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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okay thanks will have to ask my doctor to refer me to a dermatologist.

I also just tried to put in a titanium earring that is used by piercers, and haven't had any problems yet.
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Hello!  I had this same problem!  I put a small amount of neosporin or triple-antibiotic on my ear lobe (making sure to rub it into the holes from and back) and then on the earring post.  The pain and irritation went away almost right away.  I do this each time i wear any fashion earrings to avoid the redness and pain :)  Hope this helps!
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