19822002 tn?1484923126

Excema on Skin - Face (Forehead, Nose & in ears)

Hi everyone,

I would like to see if someone could help me in find a good treatment for Eczema (that works long term)
I have been suffering from Allergies & Eczema my entire life. Allergies not so much anymore but as i have gotten older, my eczema got worse. It started becoming noticeable when i was pregnant with my daughter, it started with eczema on my hands, they were blistery, itchy and red. I had to wear cotton gloves every day to relief the itch and pain. Blisters popped and clear puss came out.
As time went by I noticed that my eczema was traveling, now I have it on my face (ear forehead and nose, Hairline) but it seems like a different kind of eczema (maybe psoriasis?)
It hurts really bad at times, my face gets flaky and red, scalpy, itchy and oily, EVEN THOUGH MY SKIN IS DRY DUE TO THE EXCEMA. I am not sure where it is coming from, I have tried many different kind of lotions but they seem to stop working after some time of using it. It seems to come and go. Worse when I exercise and sweat, I feel.
Does anyone know what triggers it ? I have heard alcohol or exercise may trigger it, but then I also heard that sweating is good for people with psoriasis.
Does anyone have the same issue or has anyone heard of this issue before and can help me?

Thanks a lot,

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