590279 tn?1286336022

Facial Pain, Dizziness, going on 15 months - not sinus infection - PLEASE help

So allergies might not be the correct section for this but I am at a loss for the cause so putting it here among related posts.

I am SO desperate for help on this issue it is making me depressed so have turned to this. Please do not skip since a long post, as I feel it may be necessary to give all the details and not have people suggest things that are ruled out.

The main symptoms of my problem are a combination of facial pain in my cheeks, dizziness or feeling ‘off’, vision difficulties, and a rapid heart beat. I have read some posts online of similar problems, but all seem to revolve around sinus infections which apparently isn’t a problem for me. Given that I am a university student entering my final courses and this problem has persisted over 15 months so far, it has me incredibly concerned and doctors are either at a loss for my problem or just not willing to help.

Allow me to explain the past 15 months in more detail, perhaps someone has had some similar history.

So one day the end of May 2007 I was sitting on my couch studying as usual. I noticed pain in my cheeks and the bridge of my nose and some tightness in my forehead. This is turn seemed to affect my eyes as it seemed when I was studying that words seemed either over focused or doubled, at the same time. My concentration was affected and I would sit there rubbing my face. At this point I found decongestants seemed to help and I could go along as usual. I brought this up to my doctor and I tried various types of sinus medications as she was sure it was an infection. These didn’t help and one day I actually felt dizzy and unsteady. We assumed it was a side affect of the meds and I stopped talking them. I had short periods of panic and my heart would race when I didn’t feel right. At the end of June I went on a holiday to Miami taking a load of medications but alas I was 100% fine there and upon returning felt fine more or less (despite a crazy cold due to a moldy hotel room). Throughout the summer I would have the odd day of facial pressure, but nothing a decongestant couldn’t seem to relieve.
Starting in September symptoms started coming up more frequently and the beginning of October 2007 I had this dizziness feeling, not like I was going to fall down or things were spinning, but like I was doped up on medications and not 100% in control of my body. It was extremely difficult to get through school for the next 2 months. I went to two different ENT doctors, both saying my sinuses were actually fine. One said it was maybe stress but there was no real trigger point around any of this and I felt these symptoms were actually what brought on the stress. I tried a variety of nasal sprays with no real results. The doctor put me on prednisone for a week the end of Oct and I felt drastically better for part of that, only to slip right back into it again afterwards. When it all got extremely bad in November I went to emergency and they tried the prednisone again for 10 days but this time it didn’t work.

I have had problems with headaches/neck & back problems my entire life due to car accidents as a child but that I had actually felt I had gotten more under control with acupuncture for my back and dry needling to my neck and scalp to relieve the headaches, rather than traditional chiropractic which never had much results.

Throughout December 2007 my symptoms seemed to gradually subside a little bit. I did go for sinus acupuncture at the beginning of Dec, but given I have tried that recently too with no results, I’m not sure if that contributed in Dec after all. First the dizziness drifted away, and then the facial pressure and occasional swollen/stuffed up nose. From the beginning of January until later in March EVERY symptom drifted away. I still had extremely stressful periods in that time with school but nothing seemed to bring back the problems so I do not think stress is the cause. I was definitely not convinced it wouldn’t return, but hoped it was some virus I had finally kicked. Then one day later in March I got quite congested for a couple days, and some facial pressure, then suddenly the dizziness came back a week later and I was under my constant fog again.

It is very difficult to explain the dizziness.. it’s like an unsteadiness and my eyes seem to over focus. If I were to look at one thing, it seems like it takes longer and more energy to focus, and then when I switch to look at something else, it unfocuses, slowly moves and then longer to refocuses again (not minutes or anything that dramatic). I did have my eyes checked and they said there was a small area I could have reading glasses, but due to the nature of my symptoms this did not seem to be the cure. I also find that sometimes when I stare at something it suddenly pops out at me and overfocuses then becomes blurry. This is especially noticeable and troublesome if I am at any kind of store. All of this causes much eye strain, which on 'normal days' is not there at all.

Since the spring I have gone for a CT scan – no problem there. Allergy tests – very very slight allergy to mold but she definitely didn’t think it could contribute to all of this. The topic of seasonal allergies had come up, but have since been ruled out, especially since when I went to Israel for a month May-June (humid in some areas, dry in others) this was not an issue at all. However, upon my return mid June it came back, almost the same day. I had a few scattered days in July where I was fine, but I have been horrible the last few weeks again and terrified for the start up of school again. I am trying a mouth guard for possible TMJ but don't believe that is helping.

Nothing in my life changed during Jan-March so I have no idea why this went away and why it is still haunting me. When all of this acts up I have no energy and get depressed because I feel like I can’t function normally. It’s impacting all aspects of my life and makes me stressed and cry almost every day. I so desperately want a cure and have no idea what to do and doctors aren’t giving me any help. I had hoped upon graduation in the spring to get a job in the United States, but if this problem is still around I cannot even think of moving somewhere with no free health care.

If anyone, ANYONE can relate or help, please please please help me!
61 Responses
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I had similar symptoms begin at a very stressful period in my life-extreme facial pressure and eye floaters. A very smart doctor diagnosed me with atypical migraine cause by stress and acute anxiety and prescribed .25mg Xanax 3x a day for a month and then gradually weaned me off. Totally fixed the problem. I had no symptoms for 2.5 years, and then boom, another major stressor in my life, and they all came back. I am going back to the doctor in a couple days, but the symptoms are certainly less worrisome this time around having been through it before. Just hope I don't lose my job which is the stressor that set them off again....
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I have been suffering very similar symptoms to what you have all been describing.  Probably around 9 months ago I noticed that I had some slight balance issues - for example running on a treadmill, which I do a lot, took an inordinate about of concentration.  I ignored the unsteady feeling attributing it to dehydration or something equally benign.  Then around 4 months ago I experienced a very disturbing feeling of being completely out of touch with my body.  My vision felt disturbed, colors seemed too vivid, and just walking down the street was an out of body experience.  I had been having minor heart palpitations prior to that, and due to a family condition I had been to see a cardiologist.  The episode sent me into a panic and I experienced chest pain that sent me right back to the doctor.  The cardiologist indicated my heart was 100% healthy and in no way related to my symptoms.  After about 36 hours the symptoms went away and I assumed it was just allergies or something similar.

Around a month ago the symptoms came back full force (minus the chest pain which I think was anxiety driven), but this time have persisted almost constantly, with the addition of vertigo, short term memory loss, decreased coordination and a real struggle with concentration.  Also new is a low grade headache, mainly focused on the left side of my head.  My regular doctor tested me for mercury poisoning, which I had had a few years ago and presented some similar symptoms in terms of concentration and a feeling of physical detachment, but my level was normal.  I was also tested for inflammatory markers to check for things like Giant Cell Arteritis, which can cause some of those symptoms as well.  Tests came back negative as did tests for Lyme disease.  Lyme disease would have explained a lot of what I was feeling so I was disappointed it was negative!  Brain MRI was also normal.  Had a vision exam which indicated a very slight decrease in my left eye, but that can't possibly be causing all the issues I have been having.

My latest theory is that I have a vestibular disorder, which would make some sense given I have had ear infections pretty consistently throughout my entire life.  I see the Neurologist tomorrow and then an ENT on Monday.  While I don't have a pure sinus pressure some people have mentioned, in the last week or so I have developed some tingling in my left cheekbone and upper jaw, and just a generally strange feeling on the left side of my face.  I have some days that are better than others, but have had really bad experiences with vertigo and confusion when in large open spaces, for example at large stores with a lot of products lined up.  The vertigo makes me nauseous and it is impossible to focus on the products in front of me.  Almost everything throughout the day takes 2x the concentration.  I am fearful the docs won't find anything, and reading the posts here doesn't make me feel that confident.

For those of you who have dealt with these symptoms for years I commend you.  It is frustrating and depressing and I have only been coping for a few months.  I will let you know if I learn anything new...
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I have the same thing. It is so frustrating. You need to go on a elimination diet. But before that go see a ND that specializes in applied kineseology.  Also have them check your teeth. Probably won't show up on an exray but a good Kinseologist can find the bad teeth.  The more natural route you go with this the better. I can totally control my symptoms now.  Did they do a food allergy testing?  Regular docs could never find the cause just want to drug you out.  Where are you located?  
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1837902 tn?1318428985

Hi all. Just wanted to report back that I took the advice of my Neurologist (even though I was very skeptical)... and I am feeling better than I have in 2 years.

I visited a Neurologist in November. He performed a thorough examination and reviewed my CT scans and MRIs.  He said that he couldn’t find anything physically that would be causing my sinus pain, mild chronic headaches, dizziness and extreme lack of concentration.  But he was 90% sure that if I quit all OTC medicines and broke my addiction to coffee that I would get better.  Here is some info: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/rebound-headaches/DS00613/DSECTION=causes

The first week I gave up Ibuprophen and all other OTC drugs. Within a few days I developed one of the worst headaches I had ever had. That was surprising to me. On the 2nd day I took a single Oxycodin and the headache went away. I actually started feeling better. I haven’t been dizzy since.

The third week I switched from 2 cups of coffee to a couple of small cokes.  The sinus pain went away. Instead of my concentration and mental energy having peaks and valleys... it was steady some where in the middle.  I spent 5 or 6 weeks trying to give up cokes completely and wasn’t successful. Only because my life demands full mental energy and I couldn’t achieve it without at least a little caffeine.  But I will say that the symptoms are 85% better than before.  

During the 5 or 6 weeks, I developed a headache a few times. Each of those times I went to Starbucks and got a Latte and the headache went away. But my daily routine was a small soda in the morning and most days needed a small soda in the afternoon. Some days I went totally caffeine free... but those days I was not top of my game.

This week I went back to a small cup of coffee in the mornings.  My sinus inflammation and pain returned and my concentration has gone back to peaks and valleys.  I am going to experiment with different types of coffee to see if there is a difference... but I may have to give it up all together.  I have no plans to go back to the ibuprophens.  Thats pretty scarry stuff.

Good luck.

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I have been feeling this for six years and lately I think it may be something called Barré-Lieou syndrome. Something that IS NOT serious and groups almost all what we are feeling:

"Symptoms that characterize Barré-Lieou syndrome are headache, facial pain, ear pain, vertigo, tinnitus, loss of voice, hoarseness, neck pain, severe fatigue, muscle weakness, sinus congestion, a sense of the eyeball being pulled out, and numbness. Other symptoms may include a pins-and-needles sensation of the hands and forearms, corneal sensitivity, dental pain, lacrimation (tearing of the eyes), blurred vision, facial numbness, shoulder pain, swelling on one side of the face, nausea, vomiting and localized cyanosis of the face (bluish color)."


I'm going to visit a doc next week and if I get cured or if I improve, I will tell you all!

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1839299 tn?1318522810
Im so glad iv found this. Iv been suffering with all these symptoms for the last 11 yrs....on n off thou and the best part of nothin for 2 yrs :) but its bk again and its really taken toll on me after my 3rd baby has recently been born. Doctors never seem to really no what is goin on but somethin is or i wudnt have these symtoms happenin. I feel like it ruins my life when im goin throu it....i stay away from people as i think im the one who is crackin up.  but after reading all this i no its definately real wot is happenin. My new doc thinks its my sinuses, anxiety probs and then panic attacks. Now waitin on a hearin test and some bloods to be taken as i may be annemic too :( hence the dizziness and vertigo symptoms. Im so glad im not the only one as i can see we all get the same probs. If i eva find anythin that cures me il be lettin u all no on here :)
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