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Facial Pains

Hi, I've recently developed really bad facial pains. They occur in my temple, back of head, jaw and sometimes ears. I wake up fine but as the day progresses the pain starts to come back and gets stronger. It also hurts when I breath in heavily through my nose and out through my nose. Any ideas or advice?  Thanks
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Hello baywolf14,

I just finished reading your comments. Have you made an appointment with
your family doctor about these facial pains? If you haven't seen your doctor
about these pains which you say get stronger as the day progresses, I
definitely would make an appointment to see your doctor. Good luck to you.
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Hello baywolf14,
I have the same problem.. 3yrs. I also feel better in the a.m...the face infl'd, swell/pain, worse later in the day, esp. after eating. It's mostly on left side of face, temple, ear, teeth, numbness & pins/needles at times. Many Drs. , no answer.. I had sinus surgery, little help.. Sounds like sinusitis or allergies. Buy at drug store  'NEIL MED" Saline Rinse Package (not medicated),  it will relieve the congestion (mucus) in your head causing some of your pain. It's the only way I get mucus out & some relief..then begins again.
DO NOT USE TAP WATER.  READ DIRECTIONS: You won't gag, trust me. Simple and worth relief of pain.
Chest: Could be mucus..  I take MUCINEX DM ev. 12 hrs.
It helps nasal drip (mucus)...
One before bed...one in am. HOPE THIS GIVE U SOME RELIEF.
I'm not a DR., this information is from my own issues...so please use your own judgement....If no help see an ENT DR./or Primary.
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