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Feeling dazed after taking antibiotic

I had a horrible reaction to trimethoprim, antibiotic that has 85 different names (most common are septra, bactrim, bactin ect).

After third tablet I felt very sick; physically shaky with a pressure in my head and my chest, couldn't focus, my speech became blurred, felt extremely hot and lost appetite. I stopped taking it but still feeling very dazed (as if something is wrong with my mind) and dehydrated even though 11 days has passed since then. My GP could not think what is wrong with me. She even suggested to have a brain scan.

I tried to find information on a web about feeling dazed after taking antibiotics but there seems to be no available information. I would really appreciate if you could tell me if you had a similar experience of being dazed after taking antibiotics and how long that lasted for?
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the doctor gave me antibiotics called erythycin, 4 a day.
after a couple of days of taking them i felt really sick an i had a really tight chest and pains. i cudnt sleep or anythin it was horrible. i was sick and all that came up was green stuff and it tasted disgusting, like a paracetamol or sumthin.
i told doctor and she thought it was strange bcause  had taken these before and i was ok. but they didnt seem worried and just told me 2 take 2 a day. im still taking them and are fine.
wat happend wiv u did u have a CT scan?
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If you feel dehydrated you should probably drink plenty of whatever also.. this can cause dizziness.
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You could have had a reaction to bactrim as many people do, however it is unlikely that the drug reaction has lasted this long.  Most of the drug has been eliminated from you system by now and most drug reactions stop shortly after discontinuation of the drug, in fact it is the only way you can make a diagnosis of a drug-induced side effect.

The cause of your dizziness most likely lies elsewhere.  Perhaps the cause is whatever you were taking the antibiotic for and not the antibiotic itself.
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