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Finally! I found others

Wow! I am for the first time realizing that others truly know what I am going through!  Itchy arms!! For the past seven years I have been going at this.  The itching for me begins in early Sept and  I have never realized when it stops.  I itch from my elbow to my shoulder on both arms until I am bleeding sometimes.  I have been to an allergist and dermatologist and have left with no answers.  HELP!  I use Tea Tree Oil which helps a little but I can still feel the sensations under my skin.  It's hard to understand how there is not an answer for this or a treatment to help relive this.  I am not one to take any medication but there has to be something out there.  

This discussion is related to Itchy Arms.
38 Responses
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Hi everyone, I  am in AUSTRALIA, and have decided for me it is the sun! After reading this forum around March (end of our summer) last year after going crazy with my itching, I decided to take note of the months that I suffer. Not long after that it went away (through winter) and has only just started again now - January, our summer. So it sounds exactly like a lot of you in the states, but the reverse months. Last night I put on some after sun gel, meant for sunburn, and actually found some relief. I will now be putting on sunscreen everyday, which I have never done before, that will be the real test.... Thanks to all you other sufferers out there for sharing your ideas, what a huge relief it will be if this works!
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535822 tn?1443976780
I have had this for 2 years but mine may be more hives than just an itch, as if I touch or scratch the areas ,my neck right side, and tops of arms big white wealts appear the burning/stinging  is really bad, this year has been worse ..any ideas,I thought 3 things may cause it sulphites, or cactus in my garden, toxcity from dental work 2 years ago .
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I had arm itching for about 10 years off and on. Usually at a joint... wrist, elbow or shoulder; one arm or the other; lasted for months; worse at night. PROBLEM SOLVED BY GOING TO MY CHIROPRACTOR who adjusted my atlas one week, my cervical discs (c6 and c7 primarily if I remember correctly) the two following weeks. It took several weeks, but the itching slowly subsided and then went away for about a year. Came back the following year around the same time, so went to the chiropractor right away. One adjustment and the itching stopped slowly subsided in 2 weeks. It takes a while for the nerves to calm down so don't expect immediate results. Hasn't returned in the past 2 years. Had a friend with same symptoms try same chiropractor and she got some relief but not as much as I got. So try the chiropractor. Mine thought it was primarily the atlas adjustment that helped me so perhaps find one who does atlas adjustments.
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I've had the same problem for more than 20 years, off and on, but worse lately in the past five years. I never realized it could be seasonal, but after reading your posts, I now realize that the problem does seem to be worse in the fall! I'm itching like crazy as I write.
I use either a menthol cream like icy hot (which my wife hates because of the smell) or a capsaicin cream (which burns like crazy) to distract the itch. I find that a combination of Aspercreme on my arm and a couple of aspirin also help, although it takes a while for the combination to kick in. Ice also works, but it's messy and hard to apply at work.  I'll also try to see if I can get some lidocaine prescribed.
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I wonder how many of us had itchy arms during pregnancy, for all you females out there?  this is when it started for me.  and, I did research, as a good self-diagnoser dose on google and webmd, and found the CHOLESTASIS is a dangerous obstetrical condition that is caused by liver dysfunction (bile acid goes really high); and, the kicker here is the only symptom is incredibly itchy arms!!!!!!!  i had this pretty much all through my pregnancy, and it has been off and on for years.  I wonder if we can get a bile acid test to see if our livers are to blame for the itchy arms?  just thinking out loud here.....there has to be a reason for this madness!!!

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would prednisone help with the inflammation of the nerves?  I had a terrible itch one time too, not on the arms, and the Dr. gave me prednisone.  it cleared it up lickity split.  side-effects aren't great from steroids (weight-gain in particular) but it does help....

just thinking out loud....

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