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Flushing, Sweating, Heat Intolerance?

I'm just wondering, has anyone out there been diagnosed with any allergies that caused generalized excessive sweating, feeling hot all the time, and flushing? Not a feeling that comes on episodically, but a feeling that's there all the time, at least with minimal exertion.

I've been tested for all the obvious possibilities and have come out negative for all of them (neurological, neuroendocrine, thyroid, etc.). Seeing an allergist/immunologist is a desperate last chance for me. I was just wondering if there's any kind of allergy like this out there. I haven't heard of one.
31 Responses
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If you are significantly over your normal body weight, this could be the cause of your sweating problem.  I had this when I was 60 overweight and when I lost weight it went away. So do not be pissed.  Your doctor may be right.

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Thank you for this information!  I will ask my doctor about this.
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I have the same terrible sweating/flushing/heat problem and I have come to believe it is a fabric allergy.  I put on a new flimsy type material blouse and the sweat started to pour down my back.  I took it off and put on a well-washed cotton top and had no more problem, even though the cotton top was warmer than the first top.  It could be formaldehyde on the new top or some other finish.  Anyway I will experiment with this as I have tried everything else.
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I have the same terrible sweating/flushing/heat problem and I have come to believe it is a fabric allergy.  I put on a new flimsy type material blouse and the sweat started to pour down my back.  I took it off and put on a well-washed cotton top and had no more problem, even though the cotton top was warmer than the first top.  It could be formaldehyde on the new top or some other finish.  Anyway I will experiment with this as I have tried everything else.
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My sweating is only in the morning and isn't accompanied by flushing. I don't feel hot, I just sweat for hours. It's awful. I'm diabetic but am not having low blood sugars when it happens. None of my doctors know what is causing it, but I think it may be some kind of allergy. I take allergy pills and use flonase but still have the problem. Any advice? Thanks.
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3120199 tn?1342047591
What is your bmi? if it is over 25, you may be overweight, and if around 30 it could be the cause of your problems. It also could be allergies as some people have said or even asthma. Chronic blushing may also be the source of the problem. However, doctors cant always figure everything out, maybe you should mention previous injuries/illnesses, sometimes relapses can cause consequences you wouldn't think of.
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Have you tried 8 hr. extended release Tylenol?  It helps me cut down on the sweating a bit when I'm developing, or have sinusitis.  My internist says that a"low grade" infection that hasn't shown up on a regular thermometer can cause this-
My allergist, who is the "specialist" totally disagreed!.  I trust/believe my internist, who is the Chief of Staff at the biggest hospital in our city.
What we don't know is: HOW TO MAKE IT STOP. lol
I've started allergy shots-- if these don't help, I may try to find a more advanced allergy testing center.
Still looking for the poster who mentioned "J's nose drops" as he cited another product that helped him with chronic sinusitis.
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Double check diagnosis on the panic attacks- they don't last for hours, respond some to Tylenol & antibiotics.  From the posts I've seen about this & what the docs have said these "sweats" may be a symptom of a "panic" attack- or may cause one due to the humiliation.
Keep a journal to bring to your doctors & maybe nutritionist/herbalist/holistic medicine doctor.  Keep track of the length of time this occurred, how many days it goes on & importantly- any other symptoms.
These are so disturbing when you get them- men & women both.  It's embarassing. I quit going out when I was wet, which got to be many days-It was debilitating, annoying & I couldn't go into an air conditioned building, grocery store without getting chills.  People with hot flashes want to take layers off & get in a freezer....Older women who had experienced true "hot flashes" assured me that I looked ill-  not hormonal.
Thank you to all-  I found 2 things to try, but I'm having trouble finding the other product, where it was posted.  Can't track the posts as well from an android as here (on pc)
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Thank you, I'll look into it (I just don't get how an a doctor who Specializes in Allergies would not understand/here about/know about this phenomenon- because since my post I have seen MANY others with the same problem...men and women of various ages, so nope- not hot flashes if you're about to say that,  lol.  I also saw something posted called "J's nose drops"- the testimonials on this were amazing...people who had failed antibiotics over & again. I'm planning to order some. This is a great venue for help.
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Yes, you can have a severe allergy to ANYTHING, especially things with strong chemicals, odors or additives and synthetic compounds that you would no idea what was in.  Try homeopathic, more natural soaps, they are made to work with the natural chemicals of our body- or moisturizing body wash.  They're far less concentrated, easier on the skin & do just as good of a job.  
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Yes, but the type I have experienced actually decrease significantly & sometimes disappear by taking Tylenol and/or antibiotics---and are accompanied by a bad taste, post nasal drip & facial swelling.
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Hi, are u still having sweating prob? This will short as my note And post disappeared!
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For years I've had repeated sinus infections, with profuse sweating that disappears for most of the time i'm on antibiotics, only to return when the post nasal drip, swollen face, headaches, foggy head & extreme fatigue return. I can not catch an elevated reading on a thermometer. The sweats do decreases if I take i8 hr tylenol. My internist says that you can have ' hay fever' from allergies that does n't show on thermometer. My allergist says thats impossible. These aren't hot flashes, they are profuse, drenching that goes on for hrs at times.  I improved diet, exercise, take vitamins, quit smoking & of course tried every antibiotic, nasal flushes, air filters, etc.  My allergist think surgery (ballon) for deviated septum from broken nose may help.
(i also chickened out from reconstructive surgery-i can still breathe air well from deviated side) Balloon procedure, yes, i'd do it if it'd help keep infections down!
There is almost constant post nasal drip that has a bad taste when I swallow, although only clear stuff drips out. I feel the sphenoid sinuses are infected & antibiotics just can't jill all the leftover culprits (or get  in there).
The  allergy shots give me a rash, I don't know if I should try to dry up the runny nose/eyes or deal with the running & let it flow/wash out!. Of all the symptoms the ' fever' is most debilitating. When home, I have to wrap neck in towel & keep sopping, change clothes, repeat. If I ever have as hot flash, it lasts a few min & is over. There's no odor-it's clearly just different. With this, I look ill, pale, feel clammy. Any increase in activity, brings on another sweating attack.
I think I'm getting immune to antibiotics. My internist has given me cortisone during flare ups when my eyelids were about swollen together, but it can actually lower your ability to clear infection yourself afraid as it suppresses immune system. At one point when my neck was stiff too, I thought infection had finally made it's way to my brain or spinal cord (I was starting to panic- what if I hadn't cleaned the neti pot well & water was contaminated!?)
Posts here have been quite helpful & it seems the docs are kind of lost.  My feeling is that you can definitely have ' allergy fever/sweats & not be able to see it on thermometer.
I have to find answers as the sinus infections  almost immediately recur, as I see in other posts. There must be an answer.
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There is info on the Web under "Histamine Intolerance"  Due to a lack
of enzyme DAO in body histamines build up and can be overwhelming.

Unlike antihistamines, which block not solve problems, products
containing DAO actually solve the problem.

This is based on new (last 3 years) research published in Europe.

I am currently trying a product called "Histamine" by Solaray.  Good
results but I will post an update in 2 weeks.  Reasonably priced, too!
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Definitely, your allergies can make you flushed, sweaty then chilled.
Very uncomfortable and also not generally attributed to allergic reaction.

Try journaling.  Record when you feel badly, what you ate and what your
reactions are.  Then if you need to see doctor you will be prepared.

There are many herbal and homeopathic remedies for allergies.  If you go
this route record your success or lack thereof.
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I too have the same symptoms but they have gotten much better as I have been getting treated for my allergies through an allergy elimination treatment called NAET. I had SO MANY of them. I feel better and have more energy, but since I think my heat and excessive sweating symptoms are linked to an allergy to chemicals, facial blushing and heat intolerances haven't gone away quite yet. I am getting treated for the allergy to chemicals this week as well as an allergy to certain hormones. I am crossing my fingers, but I have heard many success stories with this treatment!!! If you have allergies, drop your doctor (they really know NOTHING about allergies) and find an NAET practitioner near you. Seriously, it saved my life. I can eat most foods without a stomach ache now and I have almost cured my hypoglycemia.
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Your comments are very interesting. I'd like to know how you are doing. I have somethign similar. Diagnosed with two brand new mold allergies, aftert takign shots for 4 years for third typ of mold (now I am negative on that one).  71 here and have had some sort of allergy all my life. Yes, shots for dog, dust mites in NY--mold in Fl. About to start again for the new molds in January.

Currently, have had what seems to be flu like symptoms, actually since October.  Headaches, eye pains sweating and then mild chills. Not all at the same time. Have been to all kinds of Drs including an Infectious Disease Dr. No body knows for sure what the problem is ecexpt that I have two new allergies. I cannot beleive I can get sweaty in the face for 2 hrs followed.
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I have facial and upper body flushing that comes on in mid-afternoon and increases until bedtime.  My cardiologist blames at least some of this on my hypertensives [particularly Norvasc].  I do know that Nifetidine is murder and  I had to be taken off it.
I also have extensive pollen allergies and take several medications for this.  Four. There is a definite relation to season and pollen levels.  Right now weed and mold levels are high and I am miserable.  I do find that sinus rinse and air conditioning [!] help, even if temperatures go too low for others comfort.  In general, its wetter when its cold.
Incidentally, it doesn't go away with age.  I am in my eighties and have had this since about the age of 40.  Definitely not juvenile aallergy!
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I will just start sweating like crazy and my face  and Neck turns red, It is soooooooooooooo embarrassing, My Dr told me to lose weight....... Needless to say I was pissed at that answer.
So is there anyone else to see like a specialist?????
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I have had flushing on my neck (red blotches) for years.... It happens under stressful situations or too much caffeine. Any high emotion I feel. My doctor has put me on a Beta Blocker and my rashes have disappeared! It's a miracle!
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943443 tn?1245610099
i am only 33 years old
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If you are a female in beyond the age of 45 years, these can be symptoms of post menopausal syndrome
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943443 tn?1245610099
wow i just went through an expensive MRI and they blew me off with a lame diagnosis of right maxilla retention saying but it was normal...my doctor is trying to help me get to the bottom of these same symptoms as you all are mentioning...especially the excessive heat and bursts of heat...lots of sweating, etc.  even began to hallucinate, is all making me so irritable and frustrated
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try anti histamine it should work. wasting time and money on tests and is not worth it. been there done that.take my advice n u wont regret it
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