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Food allergy home relief

I am very allergic to soy. I had a reaction to soy last night and I am still suffering so bad, I just ate some cereal and started feeling very strange. I checked the box and it has vitamin E from Soy! I am already in so much pain--headaches, swollen muscles, dry mouth, dry eye, and edema. I cannot be;ieve that I am having one reaction on top of another. I am not in danger'I am just in pain and sodepressed. I took benadryl, a diuretic and tylenol. I hurt so bad all over. I called poisin controland now Iwill call a pharmacist. Soy is in everything. I bought some shredded oats because the store was out of wheat. Why don't people  leave food alone and quit putting all these aatives in it?
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535822 tn?1443976780
Sorry you are feeling bad so am I today I get Hives and Dermographism and I changed shampoo yesterday for one I though was better with no additives today I am itching all over it is worse than it ever was, think I'll spend the day under the shower. I cant take soy it actually makes me nauseas I didnt realise it was in so many things I really must read the packets more carefully, hope the rest of the day is better for you.
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