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Fruits and Vegetables

Whenever I eat bananas, watermelon, tangerines, cantelope, pineapple, broccoli, carrots.... and some other fruits and vegetables, my ears and the back of my throat to start to itch. They itch for a long time. Like, deep inside itchyness in my ears, and the back of my throat.

I used to not have this problem. I read about other people having similar problems, but they were all older. Why is this happening?
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535822 tn?1443976780
I too get reactions to fruit, melons grapes, but mine takes the form of stomach upsets nothing in my throat, I have found out it could be Fructose malabsorbtion, you may want to google it as it could have other symptoms ,yes I also cant eat what I could when I was younger, a few years back ,lol
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I have also noticed the connection between getting older in food allergies.  I used to be able to eat anything and now all of a sudden I'm down to eating about 6 foods and that's it.  It is truly crazy.  I'm still searching for the answer to this madness... I'll post info. if I find anything.  Best of lucky to you.
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