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Getting rid of nut allergies in kids

I have read about doctors able to get rid of food allergies by slowly re-introducing the allergen to kids in gradually increasing doses over a long period of time.  Has anyone heard of this and does it work?
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Never heard of it, but it sounds a little dangerous to me as some kids have very severe reactions. I wouldn't try it unless under a dr care. Let us know how it goes.
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179332 tn?1273247359
I'm not sure of the percentage but, most kids allergies lessen as they age and some go away entirely...What does your allergist say?  
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Firstly let me tell you (which I just read for myself!) that 7 out of every 100 kids have allergies, and only 2 ou of 100 have allergies, regarding FOODS.  It is true that in cases where you have a mild to moderate allergic reaction to a food, re-introduction has been successful in getting rid of those allergies - but I agree with the above statement, this isn't something you want to do without a Dr's approval.

**Also, the only two allergies that kids have, that are most likely to have later in life are to peanuts/peanut products/ and fish.  If that helps! :)
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my son has severe allergy to peanuts and I have an appt sched next week with a doc on hugh sampsons group from mt sinai ny where study you are referring to is being conducted. Ill post back with info. you can also search dr hugh sampson website for more info
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