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I have had asthma for12 yrs(age 62) and I take advair and singular.  I have had a persistent cough for a month and now have halitosis too. I took a z pack the first week of the cough. Am I in trouble or is it just allergies and asthma?
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey Lizzie,
Welcome to the forum.

A few suggestions. No,you are not in trouble. You just have some imbalances that need to be corrected.
1. Use Extra Virgin Coconut Oil  (EVCO)to do "Oil Pulling " . This will eliminate most of  the bacteria and toxins from your mouth.
Just do a search.
I do it each and every morning and my oral health is excellent!
2. Consume 3-4T of EVCO daily. It will take care of any yeast imbalance
-it is a great antifungal and antiparasitic and antiviral agent-
3. To rule out  GERD , you can do a very simple non-invasive test suggested by DR Mercola:
4. Magnesium Chloride is a  simple remedy to help with your persistent cough. Just dilute food grade 30 grams of MgCl per liter of distilled or filtered water (daily max) and consume10x 100ml per hour daily for 3 days. The only side effect may be loose stools, so you may want to take only 10x50ml per hour for 6 days .This is for acute conditions
For maintenance and or chronic conditions, use Magnesium Oil. (no s/e)
Just look it up or let me know if you need details.
5.For your asthma look into the Buteyko Breathing technique.
Buteyko is a clinically-proven, natural, safe breath retraining technique for asthma, sleep apnoea, allergies, panic attacks, sinusitis, hayfever, chronic bronchitis, snoring and some types of emphysema. Very easy and effective for the majority of sufferers. Even children learn and use this technique to manage their asthma without or very little medication.

I hope my suggestions do provide some relief at least.
Should you have any questions just post again or pm.me direct.
Take care.
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coughing a lot?  If so, possibly  esophagitis inflammation which means you should see a gastro doctor.. Yes, Gerd makes one cough also+ you have allergies that created the asthma?  Good Luck and take care.
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1340994 tn?1374193977
The halitosis suggests GERD.  GERD and asthma can go hand in hand.  If GERD meds don't trelieve it, get tested for Celiac disease.  
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