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Hand/Water reaction

I have no idea what is happening. Everytime I get my hands wet. shower, bath. etc. My palms start to 'prune', usually it is your finger tips- but my palms swell and the pain is intense. It only takes a matter of 1-2 minutes for this to happen. It has progressivly been happening over the past 4-5 months. My mother thinks it is an allergy, I need help, please.
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After how much duration of exposure to water do you have the symptoms? Is it limited just to your palms or the rest of your arms or other body parts as well? Does your skin have a dry scaly texture other wise?

It would be difficult to comment on the symptoms just described without a clinical examination. It is advisable that you consult your physician for a confirmed diagnosis.

It may help to try to keep your skin well moisturized, maintain a healthy diet and not use very warm water.

Let us know if you would any more doubts/questions . I hope this helps answer some of your questions.

Good luck.
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The same problem is with my mother as well. Did you get any solution to the same
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