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Hands & Feet Swelling and Pain

First off, I do have the regular kind of seasonal allergies, for which I am currently using Zyrtec and Nasonex.

For many years I have had seasonal swelling of my hands and feet and joint/muscle pain up my legs to my knees, and up my arms to my elbows. It starts at the beginning of spring and ends with frost. I live in northern New England, so spring for me is April/May and frost happens in October.

My doctor thinks it is fibromyalgia, but I wonder about that. I keep hearing that fibromyalgia is worse in winter, but I feel great in winter. I thought it might be heat and humidity (mind you, it doesn't get that hot here), but for example, yesterday was in the 60s and the air was bone-dry, yet my hands were all swollen. At its worst, the bottom of my feet feel like they are severely bruised and it is hard to walk and do anything with my hands. During the night, it feels like my legs and feet are filling with a painful fluid.

My doctor has tested me for all sorts of things: Lyme, RA, Celiac, a comprehensive metabolic profile, and everything came back OK.

I keep thinking that it is somehow allergy related, because it is so seasonal and inflammation is one of the symptoms of allergies.  I am going to be seeing my doctor, but I would appreciate your thoughts and ideas.

Thank you!
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My heart dropped when I read "oise" problem. That's me to the "T" however....along with a permament reddish skin appearance year around but worst in the summer, on my neck and chest. A slight appearance on my cheeks...but makeup generally covers.

I've been tested for Lupus. When we lived in OKC....my doctor called it, "Lupus." Thus moving to Lubbock, Tx....the dryer climate helped. My Rheum doctor here calls it, "Mix connective tissue disorder." In OKC I had a high sed rate once. My older brother has MS. Our grandson has autism.

Every Spring I have an odd flare that no one can truly give me an answer. Last year was my pulse rate. One day at work...all of an sudden....I felt like 1/2 my body just left me....I went to the walk in clinic....my BP was a bit high....my pulse was high...no fever...no swelling. I must add when I have a normal temperature...that's a fever for me...since I was a child. I generally run under normal....but doctors won't acknowledge that of me.  I went to my family doctor...he gave me an EKG...everything was fine. Felt better after a week or so.

This year....major eye infection. Both eyes have "pink eye." Went to the walk in clinic...they prescribed some type of eye drops...it didn't help. Went to the eye doctor...I've been on steroid drops for a week. Saw him again today...and the infection hasn't completely healed...so I'm starting an Antibiotic. My Vision has healed....but if I stop the drops...the doctor agreed with me...that within a few days it will all be back again.

SOoo...with "Oise" comments....and my two above new type of flares when Spring/Summer heat comes upon me....this is what happens to me!!

Off an on through out the year...I'll also have skin burning sensations...mainly on my hands and fingers. I'll get a pinky nail size or smaller raised soft bump...it will go down....then turn brownies as if I truly burnt myself...then completely go away..with no evidence it was ever there. Do you know anything about this?

At my worst....I had larger types of this on every single toe...and it burn very much! Of course...it all went away with no evidence it ever existed.

This has been my life since 1997. I know what I have to do....I take no medication for an auto immune disorder. I work full-time...I rest on the weekends...I do my best to stay away from heat.

I just want someone to explain all the above to me!

Thank you!
Gammie Pamie
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Thanks! I will do that.
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     Your symptoms seem to be more of allergic origin, because fibromyalgia might be aggravated with weather change or emotional factors but presents with increased skin sensitivity to pain without inflammation and is accompanied by changes in sleep patterns, mood, concentration, fatigue etc. I would recommend that you undergo allergy testing during an attack for confirmation of the cause for swelling of hands and feet. Depending upon the cause further treatment can be suggested. Best.

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