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Prednizone withdrawls = not the same girl, please help

Allergic reaction to antibiotic, led to this, led to that, then PREDNIZONE

I understand that these withdrawls can be very harsh and long lasting. My girlfriend is one of the most beautiful, loving, caring and happiest people I have ever met! She is the type of person, that when she is in the room, you know she is there; and when you meet her once, you will never forget her. Her smile is so big and bright and since the withdrawls of this drug have started, she has done a complete turnaround. I see her come out every once in a while and I miss it terribly! For the the last two years it's been nothing short of a couple mid-30 adults acting like high school kids. Telling each other I love you every time we part, her and I saying miss you already! When we just left each other only seconds ago. She has been off the pills now for about 1 month and my best buddy is still not close to where she was. It really hit home when I told her that I loved her the other week and she just kinda stared at me.... at that point I asked if she still loved me and she said she did not know, she is so confused. Big blow to me and having a real hard time that she can think that way.

In anyone's opinion, are the mood swings this bad where she can say something like that or be this confused....She appears to be very confused about life in general. very happy, very sad, very mad, very tired, full of energy...all in one day. We can still laugh and joke, but I just need some advice on how I can properly support her as she goes through these withdrawls.

I see it in her eye's that she wants herself back and she tells me everyday "I want me back, I just want to be me again" I want to help get there.....any help would be greatly appreciated!

3 Responses
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Thanks for you responses! I am going to introduce her to this forum and she may want to introduce herself and get direct advise rather then coming from me. I hate seeing her like this but will continue and always continue to support her unitl she comes back to me.  I wish I could introduce her to the world! She is such a pleasure to be around.....
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563773 tn?1374246539

Confusion and delirium can be caused by long term use of medicines like prednisolone and other steroids and antibiotics.

You may refer to the following website and look for the specific medicines that cause confusion: http://www.memorydr.com/med.htm

Apart from the medications,many other disorders like thyroid diseases(hypo and hyperthyroidism),adrenal disorders,diabetes,sleep deprivation,stress,psychiatric illnesses like depression and sometimes food allergies and intolerance can cause mental confusion.These have to be ruled out after thorough examination and investigations.

In my opinion,pls get your girlfriend evaluated by a physician so as to reach a confirmatory diagnosis.

Take care and pls do keep us posted on how your girlfriend is doing.

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535822 tn?1443976780
From my own experience yes it can ,I have had side effects from anti biotics and withdrawal from a few other prescribed Drugs, so much so I now try to go the Natural and diet route for any Malady I have , Prednisone is well known and dreaded , but sometimes people will do anything to feel better, I have Hives and thats what they want to give me but I say No . It is a matter of time here, you dont say how she has withdrawn from them did she go cold Turkey or slower or very slow, they always say go very slow to let the Body adjust , be patient with her, your e-mail was very loving and I am sure she is glad you are in her life, continue to feel like this and help her, you will win through,make sure she has no other concerns ,have you had a quiet chat  .Good Luck
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