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Hives - Facial swelling - especially lips

I am 48 years old and have never had allergies.  4 months ago I began to have facial swelling.  I went to an allergist and he told me that a low dose asperin I had been taking for 6 months had caused this to beging happening.  He put me on lots of meds, allegra, singular and other meds.  After taking those for about 2 weeks - I began to have very bad hives.  And am still having hives and now the facial swelling is back.  Can anyone help?
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Hi, hives develop in response to an allergic reaction, by the release of histamine. The facial swelling could be due to angioedema. This is swelling of the deeper layers of the skin due to an allergic reaction. The reaction occurs more commonly on the face around the lips and near the eyes. Therapy lies in identifying the allergens and avoiding them and antihistamines. The allergen can be medications, food, extremes of temperature, exercise and viral infections to name a few. So, try identifying the allergen. Its sometimes difficult to identify the allergen. If the present antihistamines are not very effective you can consult your doctor for long acting ones. If severe you may even need steroids. Regards.
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Thank you for your reply.  I have taken the steriods at times - but they make me feel terrible.  I try to only take them as a last resort.  One Dr has diagnosed me with "Auto-Immune Uticaria/angioedema.  Is this a life-time sentence?  I am currently taking 4 allegra a day - 1 zertec - 2 tagament.  And still having hives and facial swelling.  Any thoughts?
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Just want to boast that I had my implant removed today! Will write again later to share if any of the weird symptoms have disappeared.

I used to be a healthy, energetic, brave, and stress-resistant person 4 years ago, when I got the dental implant.

Symptoms started six months later and progressed, including excessive fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, cholesterol, indigestion, depression. It got so bad, that I spend many days in bed and kissed goodbye plenty of opportunities and ambitions.

I really hope that the removal will alleviate some of these and will keep you posted.
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Sorry, disregard the previous post, please. I posted it at the wrong place... Apologies.
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I feel your pain and am STILL seeking answers after having experienced what you describe.  Here's a copy and paste of what I printed out for a new family doctor after the condition came back (after enjoying no symptoms for a few years...)  He really didn't read it and after my blood work came back okay, seems to have forgotten about pursuing it.  (My cue to find a new doc.)  Anyway, here it is in more detail than most would need, but I've found that when other people are going through something similar, I want EVERY detail:

Jan. 2011—I first noticed red, itchy bumps on my legs when I'd wake up in the morning.  At first, I was mortified, thinking we might have some sort of insect infestation.  But as days passed, I noticed the bumps would disappear during the day and return again overnight in different areas.   Also, my husband had nothing like it appearing on him.  I figured out it was hives and started re-evaluating any new products or food that might be causing allergic reactions.  None came to mind.  

Feb. 24, 2011—My 42nd birthday.  I distinctly remember feeling my top lip tingling and asking my husband if it was swelling.  His eyes widened and his “OH MY GOSH” sent me flying to a mirror.  It was swelling before eyes!!  This was the first occurrence of many facial swelling issues, some that looked like hives (red bumps), but most just extreme swelling of one or both eyes, lips, and even swollen areas on my forehead and cheeks at times.  One lip swelling incident was so extreme that I thought my skin would split.  My family said I looked like a Who from Who-ville.  (Have mercy!)
As the next month went by the condition progressed.

April-May, 2011—My family practitioner gave me a steroid prescription, which eliminated the problem while I took them.  But the condition returned after I'd completed one round.  She did some blood tests that showed low iron and a little higher than normal rheumatoid, which she related to the hives being present.  Since neither one of us wanted me on steroids long term, she referred me to an allergy specialist.  
The specialist tested me for common allergens and came up with NO cause.  After waytoo many trial and error prescriptions ranging from megadoses of various allergy meds (zyrtek, allegra, etc.) with no positive outcome, she wanted to put me on medication that is given to transplant patients so that their bodies don't reject the new organ!  After reading about side- effects, I refused and decided to try alternative treatments.  Neither my GP nor the allergist seemed interested in pursuing my suggestion of this whole thing being hormone-related.  They acknowledged it as a possibility when I mentioned it seemed worse during my period, but continued to view and treat it as allergy-centered.  
My chiropractor listened to my complaints and told me to get my thyroid checked; he agreed it sounded hormonal.  I regret not pursing that at the time, but I began to have noticeable improvement in the next several weeks...

June, 2011—I visited an aesthetician known locally for praying over her clients, assessing issues through massage and various topical applications, and curing people.  During my sessions with her, she pinpointed low iron, dry skin, and thyroid issues which she contributed to iodine deficiency.  She recommended taking catnip supplements for that, as well as continuing with iron supplementation.  She noticed my skin responding negatively to acidic treatments and very well to alkaline treatments. Over the next few months, the problem got gradually better.

Fall, 2011—I was swelling-free and hive-free by October.

Fall, 2013—I noticed the problem returning in the same manner it occurred the first time.  It's worse around my period, but I have daily symptoms.  I don't disagree that stress may be a factor given the recent relocation my family has been through and still not having found a new job, but I do believe my crazy, pre-menopausal hormones are to blame as well.  I had blood work done to check thyroid among other things and it all came back "normal".  I'm so frustrated!

OTC's I still take to keep hives/swelling under control:
Fexofenadine Hydrochloride, 180 mg/day
Ranitidine, 150 mg/day
Iron, 65 mg/day (325 mg ferrous sulfate)

Supplements I take for hives/swelling:
Herbal organic catnip, 760 mg, 2 or 3x/day
Turmeric, Curcumin 500 mg/4x day (for inflammation)
Occasionally Chlorella and Spirulina for detox and extra antioxidants
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar for alkalinizing properties

Supplements I take regardless of swelling/hives:
AdvoCare CorePlex multi
AdvoCare OmegaPlex omega-3 fatty acid
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