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Chronic SInus Pain and Pressure...What Else Can I Do?

I have problems with CHRONIC sinusitis and sinus infections. My face feels like it is going to explode from pressure, my nose constantly runs, my throad gets sore a lot, and my ears hurt. I had surgery two years ago to remove tissue from my nose to enlarge my sinuses and it did help...but now I am back to square one. I take Zyrtec, Flonase and anything else to help, also have been on COUNTLESS antibiotics. I also have asthma and it is making it flare up. I use my inhalers and Singulair for that regularly. I have gotten very wheezy and short of breath at night.

My sinus CT didnt really show any structural abnormalities.

I honestly dont know what else to do. I feel tired all of the time, constantly have a headache, and am miserable. My doctor wants to send me to an allergist. What will they do?

Any advice? I feel miserable :(
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Yes, you should definitely see an allergist!

They will start by doing an allergy test.  Make sure that your dr does skin testing and not blood testing which tends to be less reliable (lots of false negatives).  Then you will have the option of starting allergy shots.  

The current skin testing is not that bad.  They will start with a scratch test in which the nurse has pads with pricks on them.  The pricks have been dipped in different allergens prominant in your area.  Usually there are about 8 pads and about 64 pricks.  Some times they will do a few more or less.  Then dr will then check for what basically amounts to small hives.  If some allergens result is a borderline reaction, the doctor will order intradermal testing (small amounts of the allergens are injected just under the skin usually on the upper arm).  The skin pricks are very easy, but intradermals are more uncomfortable but bearable.  

I didn't want to see an allergist when my primary referred me to one either, but it was the best thing he ever did for me.  Specialist use higher doses and therefore you get better results from the medicines.  

I highly recommend you take the referral to the allergist.  You will feel a lot better after you have been treated by one for a while.
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I made an appointment for Wednesday with my MD so I can get the allergist referral. I just want relief :(
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any other ideas from anyone else?
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