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itchy rash

I have an itchy rash on my both arms only.  It is very itchy and i am making myself bleed all the time.
I have tried anti histamines but they dont always help.  
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1470552 tn?1300605907
I have had this peoblem foer many years!! It is so bad I also bleed from itching the only relife was to put ise cubs on them. and always sun screen helped driving arm.

just 2 days ago I got Tea Tree Oil with vit E, aloe vera---- Skin and scalp treatment by Hollywood Beauty bought it at Stater Bro's My ARMs has no itch or Pain!!! Feels like something is missing because I do not feel the pain,or itch also the reddish is better. You Have to try it and let me know!! It is a Mircle OIL for me. Beleive me I have tried everything out there even RX fron the Dr.  It was HELL woke me up all night same nights.

Please Try it!!

HUGZ Terri
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Have you had any other allergies earlier? Does this happen on the inside or the outside of your arm or both? Have you noticed any association with common things such as food, sun or cosmetics? Which anti allergics have you tried yet?

This can be  allergy, but an allergy specialist would be the best person who can understand what this could be. You may try cetrizine or loratidine, apply calamine lotion and mild cosmetics in the meantime to help your itching.

Hope this helps. Let us know what your doctor says and if you have any other queries.

Best regards.

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i have the same thing and was diagnosed today with brachioradial pruritus..mine is worse at night and has even kept my from sleeping - it is either sun damage related or could be cerival spine disease..it might never go away but can be treated wtih cutivate, etc.  it can be just awful at times
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