295490 tn?1202698031

How can one stop being alergic

I got to admit that when I first started suffering from a runny nose and could tell I didn't have a cold I could remember reading that many people become alergic to things as they age. But I've since learned that during my long treatment in the Dallas VA hospital all the anti-virus medication given to me weakened my imune system, and when I was released as an out patient my imune system made some mistakes and started treating out side that I was normally used to just like it would react to a cold.
   Now that I understand the base line of this alergy problem I'm fighting I need to find out if there is some natural way one can stop being alergic to things carried in the dust out side.
   I can now look forward to being set free in this because last fall and this year I didn't have to fight this problem as much as before. Is there any natural process that one can take to stop being alergic to things like dead weeds?
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The most reliable option is to avoid exposure to these substances. Also, it would help to use antihistamine or antilallergic medications.

What symptoms do you have? How old are you? Are you on any medications curently?

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Google "watercure" online. This talks about using natural ways to prevent allergies like the ones you're talking about.

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