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I smell exhaust fumes all the time

I have been smelling exhaust fumes where none exist for about 2 weeks now. I can be in the shower or laying in bed and the smell won't go away, it smells like i'm in an enclosed garage with a gas powered vehicle running. Is this common?, I have never had any allergies.
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I have had this on and off for years and has something to do with an infection in the Olfactory gland.  This gland lives in the sinus at the top and just under the brain. A nerve runs from it to the brain so we can smell things. If an infection gets bad enough it can be dangerous.  Please make an apt and go see an Ear, Nose and throat doctor.  Hopefully they will do a culture and put you on an antibiotic or antibiotic cream to take care of it.  It also might become seasonal and you may be developing allergies even though you never had them in the past. Hope this info helps.
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I was struggling with leg cramping at night during the first episode of smelling "exhaust".  I also have severe restless leg syndrome in which I take medication for.  My doctor prescribed a potassium supplement for the leg cramping and it has gone away as long as I keep taking the potassium.  I have has several other episodes since my first one back in 2012.  I have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia.  One doctor said it was caused by GERD another said it was a sinus infection. I have been using St. George NANO Silver (natural antibiotic) as a nasal spray when I have a an episode and it only lasts a couple of days now. I still don't have a definitive answer as to the cause.
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Vitamin K-2 (Mk-7) 100 mcg daily cured my co-workers restless leg syndrome. As for the rest Candida (yeast/fungus) Overgrowth is most likely responsible for the breath and many other symptoms that may be going on at the same time or recently.  GERD, IBS, Acid Reflux, Water that causes Acid Reflux,  Migraine Headache (can be caused by) High Blood Pressure, Low Body Temperature, Nausea, Vomiting, Dripping Sinuses, and much more. In fact there are so many symptoms it seems that almost anything could be Candida. Candida usually starts out small and gets more aggressive over time especially with the help of antibiotics which allow it to flourish. It's important to find someone who really knows how to treat this because the longer you have it, the harder it is to get rid of. Over time it gets harder to test for as it gets deeper into the weak areas of your body. It's difficult to get under control and almost impossible to get rid of completely. If you suffer from this, and 1 in 3 people do, it's important to find someone who knows how to fight candida overgrowth and not just put you an a special diet with probiotics, because that won't help you when it gets so bad you can smell the chemicals it makes when it dies off.
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3 days ago at home I smelt an intense petrol smell which left my inner nostrils stinging. This was followed by me feeling light headed & extreme nausea like never before.
Yesterday in the supermarket I experienced exactly the same smell with mild nausea.
Please advise should I just ignore this
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I have noticed the exhaust/ smoke fume smells recently. Its driving me
crazy, but I am curious about the Phantom Smell diagnosis I have been
reading about. I fell a couple of weeks ago and broke 3 ribs I am on
Oxycodone for pain. Phantom smells are supposed to be caused by the
brain function Im really leaning towards this. Dr. recommended  a netty
pot flush I haven't tried this yet.
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Yesterday I started to smell exhaust fumes, which, for a while thought they were but ..... Not so sure now.
Off on the past two days Inhave been aware of the smell.
Bizarre and a little worrying .... An earlier post written b someone who has developed cancer - and links the condition with cancer tumours.
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I know what you are going through some times it's so overpowering that it stings my eyes and I start having trouble breathing.  I think that part's due to reflex and my nose is telling my brain "exhaust bad", which tells my lungs don't breath in bad air around us.
However I wonder if it isn't due to the rebuilding of of my septum; which was over 7 years ago mind you.  So this has been going on for a very long time and I notice it more with the warmer weather. I hope we can all find an answer.
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No I also have the shortness of breath when I start to smell the fumes and experience the same as everyone on this site. Get a blood test and urine test when you talk to your doctor and don't let them shrug their shoulders with a clueless look.

I take lithium 300mg once a day at night but when I take 600mg (2 pills) a day I just noticed the fume smell return after I was taking 1200mg a day (2 morning and 2 at bed) is when this all started and I was toxic 5.5 when the highest level in the blood can be 1.5.

To clarify my Dr just increases my litium 2 weeks ago to 2 pills a day @ 300mg each (1 morning and 1 bed) and after ruling out car fumes from the street, sewage fumes from drains, gas cans in garage, and new computer hardware burning in my connection is most likley medication. So I went back to 300mg litium yesterday to see if that resolves the issues and need to wait for the half life of the litium for my body to process it out.

I will let you know but understand this doesn't answer your question while it may because their might be something off in our blood work like heavy metal poisoning or some other toxins!
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