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Inconsistent results? Am I allergic or not?

Tested and retested. Some days allergic others not? (no antihistamine)

Scratch tests said no food allergies.
Intradermal tests said allergic to almost all foods.
Now doing the blood testing to see if maybe there were some false positives or false negatives.

Each doctor that tested me with a serum from different manufactures/labs and got different results. Example.... One doctor said I was all 4+ for 1 group and 0 for another. Then another doctor ran the same test and it was just the opposite. 4+ for the 0 and 0 for the 4+. Then the third doc said I was allergic to some other stuff that the first 2 never picked up and not any of the 4+ or 0.

Then one doc retested me for the same items again on a different day and got different results using the same serum.

Anyone hear of inconsistent test results like this? I can have 4+ once day and 0 on another. Any suggestions.
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Daily antihistamine, but discontinue 5 days before testing.

Both environmental and digestive allergies.

All Drs. are allergy specialists:
- Also seeing a gastro specialist.

Looking for information for more accurate testing to identify false pos and false neg results.
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Only an allery specialsit or an allergy clinic in your area would be able to give you a definite answer to your question. Instead of shifting doctors , it would be advisable to consult a doctor preferably an allergy specilaist.

You could talk to your allergy specialist about the food allergy testing available and discuss with him/her about your doubts and queries.

Are you on any medications currently? What symptoms are you having?

Let us know if you have any other queries.

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There were some consistent results from all doctors but only on a few things. At least some are ruled definite allergy.
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