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Inner EarProblems, Dizziness ,Fluid ,Sinus been to GP,ENT, and now Neuro

I have been having problems since Sept. Inner ear infection, then clogged eustachian tube, hearing loss on left side, floaty feeling like I on a boat, and diagnosed with balance with disorder. I have been on Nasonex, Valium for balance, Prednisone, and they have made me all worse. Does anyone have any of this? I feel like it has taken control of me? It is driving me crazy I have a family to take of and when you feel like this it is very difficult? I have been reading the forums and it sounds like many do! I have also had (2) CT scans and a MRI of the brain and of the cervical spine all completely fine.
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I have been going nuts for the last 3 months.  I had vertigo really bad palm sunday, went to ER and also had orthostatic BP.  I was given fluids, Valium, had simple neuro and rectal exam, and sent packing to an ENT.  Was given meclizine.  Dizziness, stomach issues, weakness, trouble with speech, walking side ways, and feeling like I am on the water, etc finally got me and MRI of the brain.  Nothing there.  I have to go back to ENT for another type of test.  Doc thinks it's damage to mid ear nerve.  But is that causing all of my problems?  I immediately started researching, and am thinking of going to a top Neurologist at Univ of Penn.  I am wondering if these issues be caused by an immuno disease as in Guillain-Barre' syndrome or CIDP? . . . I know your posting is old, but I just noticed it.  Hope by now you have resolved your issues.
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180749 tn?1443595232
Do this breathing exercise and it will help with sinus, headache and other symptoms which you are having. You will notice symptoms getting less after 4 days.
- Deep Breath-in through left nostril keeping right nostril closed
then - Breath-out through right nostril keeping left nostril closed
then -Deep Breath-in through right nostril keeping left nostril closed
then - Breath-out through left nostril keeping right nostril closed
and repeat this cycle for upto 15 minutes. Maximum 3 times day.
Continue this breathing once a day after the symptoms have gone.
Only by trying you will know.
The doctors say there is no cure, but do try breathing and feel the benefit yourself.
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sorry to hear your problems.  i have been going through the same thing for about 2 years now. i have feelings of rubber and burning sensations in addition to the symptoms you described a s well as high pitched ringing in both ears  all tests are normal.  my doctor is regarded as one of the top neuro otologists in the country.   his name is Dr. robert baloh out of ucla. he said this sensation canbe caused by meds, stress and anxiety as well as being on a boat or plane for prolonged periods of time.
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