726784 tn?1301815302

Is it related??

to anyone who wants to help or talk :)

Okay so for starters in 2008 I had a bad flu it lasted for ages and after I had trouble swallowing for 2 weeks and after all that I developed anxiety where as I never had it before and ever since than after every bad cold I always have anxiety but the doctor says it's all in my head.
This is the third time it's happening now and I don't think it's a coincidence anymore. It can't be.

Plus I always have flu symptoms every day of the year.
I had an allergy test came back okay, sinus x-ray came back okay, so many blood tests ..came back okay.

Just an hour ago I had another few blood tests for some other allergy's  and a bladder test. ( I had a bladder infection last time this happened...)

I really think it's related otherwise it wouldn't happen when I have a bad flu every time since last time.
Also the lump in my throat moved to the left twice in the last 2 weeks ...
I have all kind of body aches and I'm moody as hell. and lots of other things...etc...


I'm only 18
and apart from this I'm a happy person so this is killing me
cos all I do is cry every day these days and ask why me....

ps. I got diagnosed with mild asthma a month ago but it's occurred cos of too much exercise and not enough food, I did lose 20.5 Kg's since Jan.

plz help any1

2 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, the possibilities of recurrent attack of common cold are Allergic or seasonal rhinitis, Bacterial pharyngitis or tonsillitis, Sinusitis, Influenza etc. It is very important to point out the source of infection.
This feeling of lump or something there in the throat is known as Globus sensation. This is mainly seen in gastro esophageal reflex disease or hyperplastic tonsil.
You should stop taking spicy food, vinegar, alcohol, cigarette smoking if present.
A 24hrs gastric pH and urease breath test with upper GI endoscopy will help to substantiate diagnosis.
Antacids and proton pump inhibitors will reduce the acidity for which consult a physician.
The other possibilities are abnormal upper esophageal sphincter function, stress or psychological abnormality causes this sensation due to altered upper esophageal pressure. You may need to undergo endoscopic evaluation. Firstly I suggest you to consult ENT surgeon for possible causes and further management. Take care and regards.
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726784 tn?1301815302
Hi thank you so much for your reply.

I am going to visit an ENT surgeon when my flu clears out, otherwise I'm waiting on some blood tests at the moment too see am I allergic to certain things.

Thank you once again.
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