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Itchy Skin, Rash, Bruising


Recently I developed these little bumps on my body that are incredibly itchy.  The first one I noticed was on my wrist and it looked like a little bug bite.  I got this when I was on vacation in Maui and I thought it was just a bug bite because it was itchy. When I came home I started to get these bumps on the top and inside of my thighs.  They have been so itchy that it keeps me up at night and I can't sleep.  First they look like little red bumps, almost like pimples or bug bites, then it develops into a red splotchy rash.  Then it bruises, I guess from me itching so much.  I have a huge purple bruise on the top of my right thigh and one is starting to develop on the inside of my left thigh.  Now I have the itchy red bumps on my wrist and hand, my arms, my foot, my stomach, and a few on my buttocks.  They are scattered and small so it's not very noticeable but it is so annoying and I'm starting to worry.  I have never had any allergies or anything like this before.  I'm not sure if it's just because my skin is really dry or the change from one extreme climate to the next- I was in Maui for a week where it was obviously very warm and then I got home to the midwest where it was freezing.  Right when I got home from the trip is when this problem started to happen.  I do have a doctor's appointment in a week but it's been so frustrating I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions- Thanks!!
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I have the exact same symptoms.  Have you been to the doctor yet?  I went but the bruising had not shown up at that time and she said she didn't know what it was, just bug bites.  My husband was looking over my shoulder reading your post and asked me if I wrote it!  Almost exact conditions.  I live in the south and the weather here goes from extreme cold to very mild.
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You all need to check scabies, I was driven mad with the same thing after being released from a hospital.  You can get them in places where many people either socialize or are put together in one place such as hotels, hospitals, any institutions etc. It took me a month to figure out what I had and I even thought I had Magellon's which is a totally wierd disease. I do not know if this is spelled correctly but you should be able to find it by searching Google. Mine was definitely scabies the norweigion kind. It presents as little bites or pimples at first usually around wrists, ankles, arms, inbetween fingers, legs, no no areas, and stomach. They are horrible, they itch more at night or when you are still doing nothing. A dermatologist can tell if it's either the Magellon's or scabies. Even after being treated three times I still had them and now I finally think they are gone but the bumps are still there, they are going to scar in some places and the way to try to keep them from coming back is by using dr. bonners (i think that is the name) or any pure peppermint, almond and tea tree essential oils found at health food places only. Lice has become immune to the normal treatments now too so I believe that these scabies may be getting there as well, but the norwegian are the hardest and most contagious ones. Regular scabies are a lot easier to get rid of with one treatment. They do not carry diseases but they can cause secondary infections by scratching them. They are more prone to attacking elderly or the young and especially those who have some sort of immune problems as in my case I has sepsis in the hospital which is where I got these to begin with. They did not really present themselves until about four weeks later as I thought I had been bitten by misquitoes or something like that. It was only after a month that I really noticed the bruising, the blood of those that I had scratched and these sort of hills or bumps that were hard when touched. Then I noticed that they had been tunneling just below the skin so it was very hard to see. They are almost always the reason for someone itching for no reason with red pimples or bumps that keep getting worse. I would checkk with a dermatologist immediately. The worse they get the harder it is to get rid of them plus washing sheets and clothes all the time is incredibly difficult when you are not feeling good to begin with. Anyone living with you can get them too but animals are not suseptable nor do they carry them. If a dog got something like scabies it would be called mange which we do not get either. I hope this helps and it is hard to find this if you do not know what you are looking for. The pictures alone made me want to throw up so if you are not able to see what you may have just read the info.
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I too have these same symptoms and have not been able to find anything online that sounds similar and the doctor thought it was an allergic reaction but nothing seems to be helping and it's only spreading more and still itching!  Please post if you find out what it is or find something that helps. Thanks...
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I too am having these same symptoms.  Getting ready to call the doctor on Monday.  Please post again after you see the doctor.  The itching and bruising is annoying!
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I too have exactly the same symptons.  I returned home (Texas) from vacationing in Jamaica on July 19th and immediately broke out with a first an infernal itching on my right hip and within a day or two started having a rash and several days later had about 6 bruises appear within the rash, it looked like where fingerprints had been.  It spread across my abdoman.  Went to the doctor and was told it was a topical allergy rash and was given steriod pills, after one day I started itching all over my body and thought it was the pill so I stopped taking it.  Went to a dermatologist the following week and he too said it was a topical rash and gave me a steriod shot, no change, it just got worse, it has now spread all over my stomach, upper torso and now is on my breast.  It sounds like we all have the same thing, but, what is it?  Going back to the dermatologist in the morning but would really like to know what is happening to my body.  It is very scarry, where will it spread to next.  Please, does anyone have any answers.  I would appreciate any help.  You can even call me at 214-794-4099.
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Hi there,
I too have a very similar thing going on and have had it for almost 2 yrs, my dermatologist also thought it was just an allergic reaction but mentioned had never seen it everywhere like this. It started on my hip and went to my thighs, now its on my buttocks and abdomen too as well as under my armpits and one on my shoulder...really want to know what this is!!
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Wow! Me too. It started on my left ankle. Severe itching like I have never experienced. The next day my ankle was very swollen and had developed into Cellulitis. Then the rash went to the other ankle and then up both legs to both thighs. The Cellulitis went away in about a week and a half but the rash is horrid. It has left so many bruises that I honestly cannot count them. It has now been going on for almost two months. I have eliminated anything new or fairly new to me and my  evnironment but to no avail. I have used Tea Tree Oil to the point it was dripping off of me. Then Gold Bond Powder, Cortizone cream, anti-itch cream, benedryl cream, Syrtec tablets, and even bug bite swabs containing Amonia. Surprisingly, even though it burned quite a bit, the Amonia helped alot. But, I still have the rash. My doctor cannot figure it out either. Once the itching gets going I cannot stop until it reaches a creshendo almost. My legs are a mess. I have a couple of spots also on my breasts and they also itched severely. Last night out of desperation, I actually squeezed the fluid out of the bumps/hives on my breasts and then applied Cortizone cream. Today they seem to be healing and no longer itch. I just wish someone, anyone had a clue as to what the heck this is.
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I am experiencing a similar issue. I noticed a rash breaking out on my hand yesterday, it stings a bit and is very itchy, there are now dark blue almost black bruises within this rash and my hand is swelling. It is so weird, I work in a hospital and nobody had any idea as to what it was.
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This is very strange, my fiance and I both have gotten this.... rash..... we have the same symptoms..... small red bumps that are rash like, very itchy, after a while it turns into a bluish purple bruise which is worse for my fiance who is a diabetic, I have two small ones that went to a brownish blue bruise..... we have not been to the Dr., yet as I have little faith in them lately.
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My name is Stephanie in Mississippi.  I too have suffered with the same condition as you and others on this post.  Please if you have gotten relief / cured from this issue please share with me.  I have had this for 8 months.
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I have the same thing. Going on three months now!  I've been to my fourth doctor and still no answer. I've had blood test for gluten allergy, it was negative. I've had biopsy for psorIasis and it was negative. Have had every blood test know and everything was within normal ranges. I don't know what to do, but I'm miserable and covered pretty much from the top of my head to the top of my feet.
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experiencing this same issue with a family member at this time & has had several blood tests done.has seen dermatologists & rheumatologists.1 test came back positive as an autoimmune disorder(lupus) just waiting for the biopsy to confirm.hopefully its negative.the rash(flare) comes,goes away,leaves a bruise like appearance and another rash starts somewhere else and most times its usually on multiple parts of the body and you are absolutly miserable.itches all the time.so best of luck to the rest of you with your diagnosis.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Possible environmental allergies caused by the spraying they are doing...ask for a heavy metal toxicity test
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Guys.... I started off tonight hoping I didnt have bed bugs....looking for pictures of spider bites....now I am terrified!!  my husband thinkss Ive gone crazy imagining bug bites that are really just bruises!! Whats wrong with us?!?!! Going on two weeks spot started on upper left thigh now on upper right thigh but doesnt itch anymore. Just lil red dots surrounded by a giant hard bruise
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I dont know if this helps but i lived in central mexico for six months then chicago six months now NW Indiana three months
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I never thought I would say this but at this point I hope I have bed bugs and they are only biting me!
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I too have a very itch rash that has spread over most of my body and is now bruising. If I get a scratch and the skin doesn't break I get a bruiselike line.  I have been to an allergist who did allergy testing and bloodwork and I do have a lot of allergies but we do not think that is the cause.  I saw a hematologist and had a second round of blood tests done but the results aren't back yet.  The only thing that gives me any significant relief are steroids but these will kill you if you take them for long.
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Hi, I have an appt this Monday with an endocrinologist. My story reads just like all of your's rash, bruising, thinking it is a gluten allergery. I'm so tired of waking up with new bruises and now the rash is on my face. My stomach hurts, my joints hurt. I have stopped eating everything, down to fresh vegetables this weekend until I go to the dr. on Monday. If you find anything out, please post it. Thank you!
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I'm right there with ya ladies, thank god this forum started, I was feeling like a crazy person who insists on not taking their meds. SO here's my thought - none of us are 5 and we never had this before, it's something contagious or spreading through by air or animal population. I'm going herbal and homepathic in general. Essential oils will probably be the best, tea tree and lavender, chamomile and god knows what else. I've got books and I'll run a Google search on what to use for rashes. We'll see, personally I do not want to spend up a bunch of money on doctor visits when it's pretty obvious they haven't worked it out for a lot of people. Good luck to everyone. By the way I have the rash migrating, started in the thigh area and now a little on stomach, arms, thighs. Also have my 7 year old son suffering right along with me, and there's no way we both have luekemia so keep that in mind, another poster said her fiancee had it too so I think we're healthy but under attack.
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scabies and can be treated with tea tree, lavendar and almond oils. Read about them. Many drs do not know how this presents.
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so did you ever figure it out ? Is it lupis. i have the same symptoms. i livein idaho . its crazy i wish someone knew what it was .
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did you ever get a diagnosis for this ..i have it too ..did yours appear on equal sides of your body? mine has been on both arms same area then those start to heal and appears somewhere else ..I'm so sick of it...
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did you ever figure your rash out? i have the exact symptoms and i have no idea.my general dr doesn't know either
pleas let me know
thanks Teresa
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can someone please post a picture of your rashes or email it to me at ***@****
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please txt a few pictures of this rash to (208) 771-4475
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Wow, I have this exact same thing, its so crazy! But also really good to read that other people have the exact same symptoms! I think there may be something to the environmental component and heavy metal toxicity... I just moved to China, and this is when it started. I know the water is severely contaminated here, and obviously I don't drink it, but I never thought before about showering in it or using it to wash my clothes... Some of you said you had it while living in Mexico, or after visiting Jamaica... perhaps it is the water?? I am going to get a filter for my washing machine and shower... hopefully this helps! Does anyone have any updates on doctors' diagnoses??
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