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Itchy rash

Hi.I have a circular rash on the heel of my foot. It itches terribly. It is very sensitive to touch and hurts/burns when i scratch it. It is NOT raised and is about the size of a dime.I have tried anti itch cream and antibiotic cream. It will not go away and continues to itch. Also I have a reaccouring rash that appears on my chest.The one on my heel and other one on my chest are UNRELATED. The one on my chest usually occurs after i lay in the tanning bed. Could it be from heat? It itches and spreads when i scratch it.Any suggestions will help.Thanks.
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How long have you noticed the lesion on your foot and chest? Is there any history of recent change of shoes?

Though you would need a doctor to look at the lesion for a confirmed diagnosis and management, it would help to wear lose shoes or open sandals. You could take some oral antiallergic or antihistamine medications like loratadine or cetrizine and see if it helps with the itching.

Does your work involve long hours of standing?

The lesion on your chest could possibly be due to the heat - it would help to avoid the tanning bed for a few days and see if the lesion resolves. You could apply calamine lotion at the site to help with the itching.

If your symptoms still persist, it would help to consult your doctor and get a proper clinical examination.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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it sounds like you're having ring worms.
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One likely cause of this itch on you feet could be a Fungal infection also called as Tinea pedis. The treatment for this is anti-fungal oral and topical application. Your doctor would be able to prescribe you one easily. You must also try and wash all your footwear thoroughly and dry them out in the sun.,

You may also follow some of the advise in my earlier post.

Best regards
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