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Just for Fun - 5-16-2011

Simple question this week.  What did you do you this weekend?

I pretty much went into hibernation on Thursday.  I got the go ahead to do my Aspirin Desensitization Thursday which got scheduled for today.  I didn't want to risk exposure to anything that would trigger something that would delay that again.  Not exactly a fun weekend, but anticipating life after today was worth it.  The prodedure was not nearly as bad as I expected, but I got to stay on allergy meds which is atypical.  Thw worst part of the day was spending 10 1/2 in the doctor's office procedure room - aproximately 10 ft X10 ft cave.  So now I have to take aspirin every day for the rest of my life, but the improved quality of life should be worth it.  

Ok, so what how did you spend your weekend?  

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168348 tn?1379357075
It rained .. but we went to a lacrosse game.  I also cleaned out my closet of old clothing that will never fit .. and I donated a few bags!  And, of course, did some sneezing from the dust!

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The lacrosse game does sound fun, even if it was in the rain.  lol

I pray that you have recovered  from the dust and that your asthma wasn't triggered.

Thanks for sharing.
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