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Latex allergy and kiwi

Is there any relation between latex allergy and kiwi. If you don't know the kiwi I attache a photo. I read a post, I don't remember where it said which people with latex allergy shouldn't eat kiwi, I don't know if this is true or false, any can help me?
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Allergies are your body's way of reacting to perceived threats in your environment. When the body is exposed to a substance you are allergic to, called a trigger or allergen, your immune system tries to fight off the assault by producing an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). The problem is, these antibodies cause your cells to release proteins called histamines, which in turn can cause itching, swelling, runny eyes or nose, or, in more severe cases, problems with swallowing and breathing.
There are hundreds of different allergy triggers, but the most common ones include pollens, molds, dust mites (tiny creatures that live in household dust), animal dander, and industrial chemicals.
Both latex and kiwi fruit could be potential allergens to you.This does not mean there is aconnection between the two except that they both trigger off your immune system.

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Found a little snippet that might interest you.
There is also an interesting association of unique food allergy among persons allergic to latex. People allergic to latex are frequently allergic to bananas and sometimes other foods like kiwi, papaya, avocados and apricots. This association with food allergy is real, but the cause of the relationship is uncertain.
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Hi carlosalberto,
Of course, lastly it's been discovered a relation between latex allergy people and some proteins present in some fruits. Check the site given by Dr aparna http://www.medicinenet.com/latex_allergy/page2.htm
Kindest regards
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I have had a latex  allergy  for over ten years. Found out the hard way with a burn from gloves during a vaginal exam. Since then it has gotten worse; now it has progressed on to food, which would include Kiwi ( severely ) bannanas, and  pineapples, so far nothing else has reacted. Latex would include paint  rubber gloves, tires, pillows with latex in them, foam, drinking bottles, or a lot of plasic bottles, and I am extremely careful when I have to go to the hospital. Oh I forgot I can"t put my hands on anything painted with latex, they break out in a bad rash.
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So strange, I am allergic to kiwi and latex as well as apples and pears.
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yes kiwis and bananas are linked to a latex allergy. i got lucky im not allergic to the food side of this allergy but i am severly allergic to latex, rubber, elastic, and spandex.
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i dont know what i would do if i was allergic to kiwis bananas and avacodos.. those are like my 3 favorite foods! but i have noticed that papaya gives me a sore throat and head aches.. so maybe i am allergic to papaya as well... idk
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Folks with a latex-food allergy are allergic to any food that is rich in the protein, hevein.  If it's a severe allergy, one becomes allergic to even hevein-like proteins.   These are naturally found in most foods but some are richer in it than others.  That includes all tropicals that I can think of, any nightshade (tomatoes, okra, potatoes, etc), apples, oh dear, the list is so long.  Let me see if I can attach the list that was given to me...well, this is my list.  As you can see, some of the foods don't bother me (the "ok" foods) while others are a no-go for me.  You just have to eliminate all of these and add back one at a time.  I say this with a caveat, though: make them organic when you add them back so you are not being exposed to glyphosate.  Now that I am totally organic, if I eat even one of my "ok" foods that is GMO, I break out in eczema - I'm that sensitive now.

Almond NO Sends me to the ER
Apples no
Apricot ok
Avocado no
Banana no
Beet no
Bell Peppers no No bell peppers of any kind
Black Pepper ok
Broccoli   ok
Buckwheat no
Canola Oil ok Was told to stop canola oil
Cashews no
Castor Oil no
Celery no
Chamomile no
Cherry ok
Chestnut no
Chick Pea ok
Citrus Fruits no
Coconut NO Includes coconut-based products
Dill ok
Fig yes
Fruit no Allergic to most fruit
Grape no
Hazelnut no
Kiwi no
Legumes, beans ok
Lettuce no
Mango no
Nectarine ok
Olives, Olive oil ok
Oregano ok
Palm Fruit, Palm Oil, Palm-based Products NO
Papaya no
Passionfruit   no
Peach no
Peanut ok
Pear ok
Pineapple no
Plum no Unsure of this
Potato - regular no Sweet potatoes are ok
Rooibos   no
Rye no
Safflower/Sunflower Seed no Includes oils
Sage ok
Shellfish ok
Soybean no
Spices, mint, cinnamon ok OK: Oregano, Nutmeg, Garlic.  Told not to eat cinnamon that is from cassia
Spinach   ok
Squash family, pumpkin no/ok Depends on which type
Strawberry no
Tomato no
Walnut no
Watermelon no
Wheat no
Zucchini no

Hevein-induce allergies:
Members of the compositae/asteracea family (e.g. mums, sunflowers), bromeliads, & permethrin (bug spray), and gutta percha (filling used in root canals.  My gutta percha story:  https://itchylittleworld.com/allergic-reaction-to-latex-womans-story/)

Members of the nightshade family:  eggplant, okra, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.

Often can't tolerate:
Products/Soaps with -lauryl, -cetyl, -coco, -isothiazolinone, and -palm/-palmitate in the ingredients.

It's overwhelming but it can be managed, even at the more severe level like mine.

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