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Lips Rashes, allergy?

a week ago, I felt something ichy below my lips, and it feels like theres something inside it started out small and after a few hours it multiplies then it gets bigger, im eating my usual food, im not putting anything on my face, and i always took a bath and wash my face before i sleep, it gets at least .5 of a centimeter and it has water inside, i popped it out then put a cotton alcohol on it. after 2-4days i remove the peeling of the wound because i popped it, and its in my lower lips again, and its ichy when i touch it i wonder what is it. I wish you can help me to determine what is this, i can post pictures if needed
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The blisters could be due to Herpes simplex infection. The virus can lie dormant and can get reactivated at intervals producing symptoms. Hence there is no permanent cure. But anti-viral medications like acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir are known to shorten out breaks and improve symptoms. It depends on one’s immunity also. If it is good the person may have less number of reactivations. If the immunity is relative less than he is likely to have more symptoms. The rash could also be due to fungal or bacterial infections. You may need to consult your doctor who will examine you and may ask for blood tests to arrive at a diagnosis for appropriate therapy.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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if you like i can upload a picture of my lips
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