232 tn?1298411683

Hard to breathe Please help

I have been having difficulty breathing lately.  The problem has been going on for over 2 months but is increasing.  I had a panic attack on Friday and went to er and they didn't detect any issues w/ breathing or my heart.  I know something is wrong and am worried because I'm unable to take a deep breath and it's very uncomfortable and frustrating because I can feel there is a problem that gets worse when walking (any exertion), eating, lying down, etc.  Is there anything you can suggest?  I do have a event monitor for 30 days and have had an ultrasound and chest xray all of which show no problems.  Please help.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, it is important to rule out respiratory system dyspnea (breathlessness) from cardiovascular dyspnea. Or else you may have more than one problem contributing to the breathing discomfort.

The most common causes of dyspnea are asthma, COPD, interstitial lung disease, and cardiomyopathy, valvular disorders, pericardial diseases, anemia etc.

You need to undergo pulmonary function tests like spirometry, chest radiograph and ECG to rule out the cause.

It is difficult to come to a certain diagnosis with available history. Once the diagnosis is made measures can be taken to prevent breathlessness. Such as allergen avoidance, short acting bronchodilators in respiratory causes. As for cardiac causes medications are available to prevent further worsening of symptoms.  

At the same time you need to control stress, anxiety and panic attacks. You need a suggestion therapy and few medications to alleviate the anxiety. Go for morning exercise and hear relaxation music.

Further evaluation is needed. I suggest you to consult physician. Take care and regards.
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232 tn?1298411683
Hello Nikodicreta,

I think it's more than just a panic attack.  I have been having dizziness, heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, fluid retention in my feet, ankles and legs, and extreme fatigue.  I have been having these problems for some time that have been getting worse.  After what may have been a panic attack on Friday, I have had problems breathing.  I feel as though I can't take a full breath of air and when trying to sleep get jerked awake after having stopped breathing.  It's frightening and I can't seem to make anyone understand that it's not in my head.  I know my body and know what I'm feeling.  I'm tired of being discounted as fat and mental.  It's upsetting and very insulting.  There are some people who feel things before they are officially detected.  This seems to run in my family.  My Father was having symptoms of heart distress and they didn't detect it and it turns out he was in heart failure.  My cousin had the same issue and he had a heart attack and died after being discounted.  Heart disease and cancer are on both sides of the family.  I know something is wrong and I don't want to be on the autopsy table when they find it.  I want, if something is mortally wrong, to have time to say goodbye and get my affairs in order.  
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