1717105 tn?1309167192

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Could Scabies mite produce a false postive as an allergy to Dust Mite on an allergy test?
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How are you? Diagnosis of scabies usually includes examination of the skin, presence of burrows or through skin biopsy.  The mites that cause scabies burrow into the skin and deposit their eggs, forming a burrow that looks like a pencil mark. Scabies is an easily spread skin disease by direct contact with infected people. House dust mites are a common cause of asthma and allergic symptoms. The allergy tests are often specific for each irritant or trigger. Discuss the results of your allergy test with your doctor for proper evalaution. Direct clinical examiantion is important. Take care and regards.  

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1717105 tn?1309167192
Sorry that answer didn't help me at all, or address what I asked.
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Allergy skin testing usually is done to assess the presence of allergen-specific IgE antibodies from suspected allergens or their extracts like pollen, grass, or mite proteins such as those found in dust mites. People who are allergic to dust mites react to proteins within the bodies and feces of the mites, which may be different from that of scabies mite. The diagnosis of dust mite allergy also considers the symptoms present, examination of the nose (lining of the nasal passage will be swollen and may appear pale or bluish) and presence of pets or history of cleaning. It would help to know if there is history of scabies also. Hope this helps and do write us back if there are additional queries. Best regards.
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1717105 tn?1309167192
It's a long  and complicated, when I was 13 I broke out in welts on my hands, more specifically the webs between my fingers, at the time I was swimming daily for my training, as well as several other sports, so was taken to my family doctor who diagnosed me with eczema inflamed by an allergy, I would like to point out I had never been diagnosed with eczema before this and due to the amount of time I spent in swimming baths I took care of my skin, even at 13, I was then sent for an skin ***** allergy test, the test actually showed me as being allergic to everything as they all swelled up, but the house hold dust mite was the worst, but if I had scabies when the test was administered, then every scratch they put into my skin would have been like a new entrance to them, which I believe may have lead to possible false positives, on the allergy tests.
I am just wondering if this has been looked into or if the question has ever been raised before, now given that household dust mite and scabies mite are part of the same family, producing similar proteins etc, as one another, is it beyond the realms of possibility that someone infected with scabies can give a false positive to household dust mite during a scratch test allergy test?
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