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Mineral allergy?

Over the years I have noticed an itching after I shower but this has become worse since a holiday I took over Christmas and it only appears to be from the water in this town. I have been away to a city down south and not noticed any itching after showering so I believe it may be the minerals in the local water supply that is causing it. Our local water is from artesian basins (underground) and has more minerals than down south in the rest of Western Australia, I live in a mining town on the coast. Taking anti histamines keeps the itch at bay but I am hoping someone would know a more natural way / cure than taking pills all the time.

I am not ready for retirement just yet and a move away from this town is just not a viable financial option at the moment.

So my question; does anyone have any ideas or natural remedies that may help me out? Oh sorry, not showering is not an option either and I live in an apartment so collecting rain water for showers is also ruled out.
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209987 tn?1451935465
While it is quite possible, you will also need to rule a few other things out.
Dry skin can cause the same reaction. Although water is good to drink, it can cause several problems to the skin.
However you claim that is only happens at home, so the possibility that it's something in the water is a good start.
Did you use your own soap/shampoo/conditioner while away from home? Or did you use some one else's?
If you used different stuff than your usual, it's possible that it is caused from whatever brands you use. Another possibility is that the towels you used to dry off with afterwards were washed with a different detergent and/or fabric softener than you use.

For alternative therapies please see the Alternative Therapies forum, where they can help you much better than I can.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Just try another water source in the city. If your symptoms recur then it could be the water source, if not they could be due the piping. Environmental triggers are difficult to avoid, but being aware can help you take adequate precautions. Try to cut your shower time.  

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Get a good water filter for your shower.
This will help eliminate larger particles form your plumbing and control the chlorine and other chemicals used to treat the water.
The chemicals may be the greater offender in the long run-
regardless of the short term symptoms from other causes.
It may be a good idea to have your tap water tested for safety as well.
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Thanks for the replies, it's definitely something in the town water that's doing it as I have tried the showers at work with the same results - oh well I shall soldier on.
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