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Mosquito Bites

know this is not about asthma but i need help after i got bit by a mosquito i have patches of bites almost everywhere and i wanted to know what is it really can i post a picture so you can look at it
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can someone please help
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969042 tn?1259067775
Is that several bites? It looks like you bruised at each bite site. Did you get any other symptoms?
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they started off as bites and a few days later thats how they looked
i thought it was an allergic reaction because i've got stung by a bee twice and the second time the docotrs said i was allergic to insect bites but this has never happened before
and yes i believe that they are all bites
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That happens to me too.  Then they end up like a scar.  Even though I don't scratch them?
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well are they gone to go away
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Mine are still there, its been since the start of summer (so approx. 2 months).  Some are starting to get a little less visible, but they're still there.  If I touch them, I don't feel any bump or anything at all (the old, scared ones).  New ones : if I touch them, it becomes red, and very itchy.

Does this happen to you too?
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969042 tn?1259067775
Your doctor said your allergic? So you might find as you age you'll be able to keep adding to your list of different insects.
Did you experience any other symptoms, like swelling, itching, rash or difficulty breathing? How you heal from the bites will depend on your personal body.
My sister has to be very careful around bees and has to carry a needle to inject adrenaline after a possible bee sting because she could go into anaphylactic shock and die. What I hear is that a very small percentage of the population that reacts so strongly as that though. Did your doctor tell you how to manage bites and stings?
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i got rashes and it gets really itchy at times but that's all the sypmtons
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yes my doctor said i was defintely allergic to bee stings and i also have a needle
but my doctor didnt tell me what to if i get stung by a mosquito
that came in a letter that i was allergic to mosquito bites
my bites became into rashes but nothing else
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they actually look worse then the picture
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