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My daughter is allergic to Amoxicillin, she is on Doxycycline, she is displaying signs of allergic reaction (puffy eyes and tightness in her chest and throat),

My 13-year-old daughter has just been placed on Doxycycline by a Dermatologist.  She is displaying puffy eyes and tightness in her chest or possibly throat, she cannot localize it exactly.  She has known allergies to Amoxicillin and Sulfa, can these be related.
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563773 tn?1374246539


All the symptoms that your daughter is having are clearly a sign of doxycycline allergy.Doxycycline is not related to amoxicillin and sulfa drugs as it belongs to a different category of drugs(tetracyclines).Side effects of doxycycline are  headache, dizziness, blurred vision, body aches, flu symptoms,skin rashes,chest tightness,respiratory difficulty,nausea,vomiting etc.

I strongly advise you to ask your daughter to stop taking doxycycline so that no life threatening anaphylaxis occurs.Pls ask her to consult her dermatologist and get herself tested for other medicines first before using them.These tests include skin tests and blood tests.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how your daughter is doing.

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Thank you so much.  I am relieved to read your reply.  I did stop her taking the Doxycycline last night but today she still has some chest tightness and her eyes are still quite swollen and puffy.  She has only missed one dose so far, so I am waiting.  She did also have flu-like symptoms as well.  I am consulting her dermatologist today to get a new antibiotic but I am not sure which way to go.  It appears that she is allergic to quite a few antibiotics.

Again, Thank You very much.
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