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Allergy to anything that increases body temperature

Hi there! Please forgive me if I used some terms incorrectly. I am 23 years old and non native english speaker.

I have a very odd allergy to anything that may increase my body temperature. For example I cannot eat or drink hot (and even warm) food. Just a little of that leads to itchy skin (sometimes incredible itchy to the point as if it's burning), rash (sometimes really extreme head to toe. If I eat the same food cold - nothing happens at all.

The same happens when I do some exersises. As soon as I feel warm rash appears. And I had to stop exercising due its increasing if I continue.

After the shower in hot water I have a rash too. Also it happens too when I laughted a lot (maybe due to temperature increase).

I have no idea what is going on. I did not have such allergy in the past. It started only 2 years ago (somewhere when I graduated from the university. During the last year at university I had a heavy sweating (but no rash) but then I found out it was due to high amount of  bilirubin in my blood. I cured that and sweating stopped.).

I had other allergies (for different food and grass) in the past (for 15 years!) but I successfully cured it.
Now as the only thing left - allergy to the dust and rye grass according to recent analysis. (out of the huge list!!).

But suddenly I got this annoying one! And it's becoming worse and worse. Originally I had a small amount of allergy last year - to the point it was unnoticed. But now I cannot even go to gym because as soon as I arrive there I already have a rash on my hands, face and etc. And recently it has started even itching.

Could anybody please help me or suggest something? It really unbearable because I love fitness and sports. Now I cannot do it without need to wait for my rash to disappear because it is sometimes itchy as hell. Also I am tired of the cold food and drinks. (I have to bear the itching if I want to drink a coffee. At home it somehow bearable but at work it is not).

My rash looks like urticaria. (I have a lot of photos).

Ranitidine helped a little - then it stopped having any effect. Nizatidine had the same effect. Loratadine had not effect at all. So basically histamine h2 blockators had little effect to the point of no effect. H1 had not effect at all for that (well the helps when I have the allergy to the grass).

I am really tired of it. I cannot even do community activities anymore...Forever alone.

Please help.
4 Responses
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It seems Ketotifen gave good results! Two times a day for one pill.
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209987 tn?1451935465
I just found this on the Neurology forum and it may help:

brachioradial pruritus.

Look that up and see if it fits in with what you are experiencing.
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Nope. It is not that bad ))

Also recently I started to treat myself with one drug and maybe it will help because so far the results are interesting....At least.
209987 tn?1451935465
Are you able to see a doctor who specializes in allergies?
You can also post this on the Alternative Medicines Forum, they know much about non prescription remedies that may help.
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209987 tn?1451935465
There are many people complaining about the same thing right now. It seems that "heat allergies " are on the rise.
My mom also suffers from this. We are in Canada, so we have lots of cold weather. She finds that wearing a vest, and not a full sleeve jacket helps her. She is cold, but she says it is better than what happens when she gets hot.
I would ask your doctor to send you to an allergist. They might have better ideas to help you.
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The problem that the doctors did not help. I consulted them several times and it everything went down to just recommendations because medicaments did not help, no issues in internal organs and etc.

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