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No Energy. Can't breath through nose. Help.


I have been unable to breath through my nose comfortably for as long as I can remember.  Usually both nasal passages are totally blocked or choked up to some extent.  Often one is worse than the other.  As a result I almost always breath through my mouth unless I am taking a nasal spray (Otravine). But the nasal sprays, after making my breathing so much
better for a few days, eventually make my condition much worse than it was at the beginning.

I really want to be able to breathe through my nose normally as I feel so much more ´alive´ and energetic when I am able to.  I find it very hard to get up in the mornings and for years I thought that that was probably just the way I am, but now I think that perhaps it could be that I am exhausted from breathing through my nose all night.  My energy levels are very low and I finally want to get this sorted out as soon as I can.

I am 27 years old with mild ashma and I am not overweight.  I have some allergies (to cats, mould and damp and hayfever).  Could you please advise me on what to do?  I understand that I will have to visit a specialist but from reading posts and comments from people suffering from the same symptoms as me I am not very hopeful that this can be resolved.  

Thank you.
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Whoops.  I meant breathe instead of breath!!
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Also I have been wondering if my condition could be either caused or worsened by my diet.  Would it be a good idea to not eat white bread for 2 weeks or something like that?  

Thanks again.
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