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Non Contact Banana allergy

I am apparently allergic to bananas, in that whenver I eat one, or anything with it as an ingredient, I get severe stomach pain from 1-2 hours after eating it. I've done reading on it, but my symptoms, etc don't fit some things. For example, it's not a contact allergy, I get no hives, rash, swelling of mouth or throat, etc. The only other type of banana allergy has to do with latex. I'm not allergic to latex in any way. I'm also not allergic to any of the other foods that are listed as being other foods you could be allergic to if you are allergic to bananas. This allergy has only cropped up in the last year. Any thoughts? What the heck kind of allergy is this? Should I avoid the other foods, even though none of them has given me problems -yet?
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I too have developed a sudden banana allergy-I suppose that is what it is. I have NO food allergies at all and always ate bananas until 4 years ago. I got pregnant and only threw up 4 times during the pregnancy-right after eating a banana each time. I have tried several times to eat them since and always throw up or am very nauseous. If I take a tiny bite now I feel very sick! I have no other symptoms of an allergy (swelling, hives) and have no reaction to latex. I feel kind of silly and wonder if pregnancy could have anything to do with the sudden onset of this strange reaction...
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I'm sure you've developed a way to deal with this by now, since its been a few years, but I have this exact problem. I used to eat bananas every day, sometimes more than once until one day I got these horrible, long lasting cramps and stomach pain that forced me into fetal position for hours. This happened quite a few times before i realized what was the cause: bananas.  How could something I love so much be giving me such pain? And for a while I was in denial, sometimes eating a banana just to see if it would still happen. It did. And it hasnt gone away since, except I wouldn't really know because I've given up even trying to reunite with bananas. In some ways, gettting this allergy was like going through a bad breakup. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone, I used to love bananas but now I can't...literally.
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