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Petroleum Jelly Allergy

I was told to use white petroleum jelly to help protect my anal area.  It worked well for a while, but now I get very sore when I use it and I wanted to know if you can develop a sensitivity to petroleum jelly?
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1180523 tn?1277384042
You can develop an allergy to anything, including petroleum jelly. However, in you case this may happen due to long term use of the product. The best decision would be to consult your physician for him to determine after an exam if the sores are allergic in origin.

Had an allergy to skin product once, but it disappeared after I started using it, hope it would be the same in your case. Take care)

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does anyone know about petroleum jelly cusing skin irritation, I normally do not use creams or anything for my skin, the other day I used petroleum jelly on my legs for dry skin and all of the area where I put the petroleum jelly peeled off like if I got sun burn, I have no experience with petroleum jelly so are there different types, or is there an specific that couses skin irritation.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
I wouldn't trust petr. jelly for long term use. It is safe when used for cuts, abrasions and scrapes to protect the skin from the elements and germs.
At the same time it seals the skin keeping the moisture inside.
For long term use for the anal area, I would probably apply coconut oil.
The lauric acid from the coconut oil will bind with healthy bacteria from the body to speed up healing, acting at the same time as a sealer.
Use extra virgin organic and below 21 Celsius, as it liquefies at 22-23 Celsius.
Repeat often and protect underwear from it with perhaps using some tissue.
Hope this helps.
Take care.
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