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Excessive Eye Blinking

Our four and a half year old daughter, otherwise healthy, developed excessive blinking with some lip licking around December of last year.  She had just tested positive for strep throat (based on a swab, not culture) and recieved treatment a week prior.  We speculated whether the stress from a christmas party at our home or the glue used in the hardwood we had installed or the strep was the cause.  We also had her checked out by a pediatric opthamologist, pediatric neurologist and her pediatrician.  Each said their tests on her were normal (i.e eye, neurological assessments, etc).  It eventually resolved on its own after six weeks or so.  Exactly a year later almost to the day, the blinking is back but not with lip licking.  First, she developed a low grade fever prior to onset (below 99.9) then started blinking a few days later. So far, strep swab negative but has been sent for culture.  Is this due to seasonal allergies?
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You need not panic about this so much.

It would be best to get a pediatrician to see your son and to see if the infection he had developed is now regressing.

Does he still have the fever?

You could also talk to your doctor about any other doubts that you have .

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My son is 2 and half years old. 2 days ago, he started blinking his eyes.  He's not scracthing them, but he 's been very fuzzy, and his hands/feet are cold than usual. A week ago, he had a fever for about 4 days, although he was taking children mortron, that eventually led to an ear infection, so he's been on the antibiotics since. I want to know if anyone can remember what had happened before your child started eye blinking? Was there any illness before blinking.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
A very worried mother
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These would resolve spontaneously in some time. Such involuntary movements are seen in some children and these gradually resolve.

If the symptoms still persist after some time, you should review with ther pediatrician.

Does she have any other symptoms that are a cause of concern or worry?

Do let us know how she is doing and keep us psoted if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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Our 3yr old son has developed the same blinking habit - especially when he is eating or drinking. Has checked out fine with the opthamologist and his primary doc said to track it for a few weeks. No other symptoms. One thing the docs said is to watch for him "disconnecting" from reality when it happens which may be a sign of seizures - that has not been happening so still a mystery.
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