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Possible food allergy?

Hello all,
I am a 28 year old female and generally feel completely healthy. For the past 2 years, I have been getting sick immediately after eating about once every 4-5 weeks. Within a few minutes, I have stomach pains and diarrhea (sometimes vomiting). During this time, my stomach seems to be going into 'spasms' which make me shake. Also, I feel very light headed, hot and then very cold, and sometimes I get a rash on my arms, legs, and stomach (which has made me think it's a food allergy). These episodes last about 30 mins to an hour and after that I feel fine, other than being tired. I haven't been able to figure out what food is causing me to have these episodes. It's never happened with the same meal twice. Sometimes it has happened after I've eaten leftovers from a dinner I ate the night before with no problems. Can you only have reactions to food allergies sometimes? Or if you're allergic to something do you get a reaction every time you eat it?
I used to have major problems with regular allergies (pollen, mold, dogs, cats, etc) back in high school and I went to an allergist and got allergy shots for several years. Since then, I've had no problems with my allergies. I've also been diagnosed with asthma and had eczema in the past.
Does this sound like a food allergy?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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424247 tn?1203558853
Hey Meg That sure sounds like a food allergy to me,  I too have that same stomach problem you have,  I would be doubled over in my bed soo sick!!!  It took me many years to get to some of the foods I was allergic to,  Bananas I could always eat as a kid then in high school I couldn't tollerage them anymore.. within minutes of eating one I would have to come home from school cuz my stomach was in such pain and could barely walk to get in bed,  Then of course the bathroom scene.  Also just in the past 4 years I cant eat eggs anymore :(  I feel so sad when everyone in the family is sitting there dipping thier toast in them...or fried egg sandwhiches etc.  
Oh and Nuts,  I think my husband was ready to divorce me when everytime we would have his family here for xmas I got so ill...same thing with the tummy,  He thought I was making this up,.  It ended up being the certain nuts in the cookies his sister would bring,  That I instantly get sick.  
Not sure exactly what is going on with you but you might want to write down all the meals you eat that does this to you.,  I know with me and the eggs,  It started out with could eat them and once in a while I would get sick from them,,,then time went on and then I could eat them and then now just even a trace of egg on french toast will get me sick.  I too should go see an Allergist for this,,, but in the meantime just maybe see what might be present in your food.  Take care and let me know how you are doing,  I know its no fun,  
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Hi Meghan42,

Your description and history does point to food allergy being a cause for your troubles. However, this may also be some kind of reaction to some food stuffs due to their inherent properties such as to cheeses and preservatives in foods. Therefore, an allergy specialist would be help you here. You must consult one to find out the real cause.

Meanwhile, you must try to keep a simple diet, avoiding food which may have possibly been a cause of the symptoms.

Hope this helped. Let us know if you have any other queries.

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