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Post-nasal drip

I have been having problems with mu sinuses for a year now and its completely affected my life, I am afraid of social situations. I have ear pressure, pain, congestion and worst of all a bad smell which comes from my nose. It's so bad I can barely sit in a rome with people, people hold their nose around me especially when I speak. I had a CT scan it showed I had inferior hypertrophy on the right side of my maxillary sinus, sinusitis, and a mucus retention cyst on the right side.

Finally, I had turbinate cautery to clear the turbinate hypertrophy it has helped I can breathe finally, yet the smell hasn't diminshed at all. My ENT said it was from accumulation of post-nasal drip, which sounds unreasonable. Yet, this smell is really bad. People cough and quickly move away from me, I mean even people 5-6ft away, I feel as if I am contagious. The doctor put me on Astelin, it has dried up the phelgm I usally have but the smell still hasn't lessened. It's only been 3 days but I've been living this nightmare for a year, I'd hate to get my hopes up that I could be cured.

Does anyone know whether this is where the smell originates from? I thought it was my breathe because how could a smell come from your nose yet it has. It's really embarrassing because people are less than nice about it, my dating life has suffered and I've felt all alone on this.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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its your diet, change your diet. like chaging oil in your car. put "bad" oil car wont run good. put "good" your runs smooth. so u have to eat healthy. no dairy/cheese, no meat, no gluten, no wheat, no sugar. no sugar at all. also check for parasites, use wormwood/ black walnut. do liver, colon kidney cleanse. fast for couple days. do all this for a month to see if u get any better. if improving better keep going. if not than go to doctor and get all the test done. dont forget  to take your supplements and probiotics. take care of yourself. there is no god watching over us protecting us from harm. if there is one, this wouldnt happen to us or he has a funny sense of humor. the only person watching protecting you is you.remember that.
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I have done and been on everything everyone says and its 2013. I am trying the pure honey and lemon-not working, took myself off of all the Gerd meds and tried the appl cid vineg with the mother -olly helpin a little-increased my vita c-no change, taking odorless garlic, all these throat coat and breathe easy teas-temp for the moment-scucking the vitamin d and taking the emergenc c-no change-got on the holistic websites that says combine all of the above- i feel healthy but still have the reflux, cough, and PNDrip bad. Been to every dr-had every test- now what.. driving my coworkers and family crazy-also doing the nose flush 3x's a day-no change!!
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I have had the same problem now for 10 years. What drives me crazy is the doctors who either simply prescribe antibiotics over and over, when they are not fixing the bad smell, and then the other doctors, who insist that I'm imaging the comments that people make about the bad smell. These docs simply want to put me onto antidepresents so that I don't feel quite so bad about having bad breath. It makes me so sad because I'm not imaging the remarks people make to me, especially when I'm forced to reply or make an excuse for the bad smell. This is a two way (or sometimes three way) conversation, it is not in my head! Also I'm not imaging the sinus stones which drop from my sinus onto my tounge. These are small balls of what I believe are either fungus or puss or both, and when you squash them the most awful smell comes out. I've had sinus surgery, which has helped a little, but was not the complete cure I was hoping for. I've tried washing my sinus with various solutions, but worry that they might be doing more harm than good. I need someone I can trust to be honest with me, so that I can know if a solution is working or making it worse. Unfortunately no-one in my family is comfortable with advising me, which simply means that I'm at the mercy of the not so nice people in the world, who make nasty comments. Oh well, I'm seeing yet another doctor today, so I'll see how that goes.
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Sorry for the slow reply. Today was the first time I received an alert from this site since the last time I posted.

I don't eat eggs. I used to love scrambled eggs, but I learned that they are very allergenic and do more harm than good to our bodies. If you do some research online, the yolk in the egg has been linked to disease and an increase in cancer rate. Yes, the yolk contains a lot of good vitamins in it, but it also contains some bad stuff.

According to a lot of studies, including one from Harvard, the bad stuff (cholesterol mainly) in the yolk far outweighs the good stuff. If you want to eat eggs for the protein, look online for Egg Whites International. They have the best, and purest egg whites around. Read their articles and they will tell you why.
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BradW0905, great post.  I got a major ear and sinus infection last year (for the first time in my life) and it caused PND and MAJOR odor!  I was looking for solutions and I have noticed that it is related to diet...  I typically eat similar to what you mentioned (lean chicken/fish, green veggies, and lots of water and exercise).  When I eat well, no odor.  But I have noticed that certain foods have been causing the gross odor.  I have been trying to determine the cause and source, and like you said, I believe it is tied to either dairy (which I have almost eliminated), gluten (breads/wheat) or sugar (and/or some other foods).  So, after reading your post, it confirms the diet solution and I am eliminating as much of those odor causing foods as possible.  I totally agree... it is diet and what we eat does affect most illness, skin, and physical body-related symptoms.  Thanks for the confirmation!!

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Tonsil stones can be behind the tonsils.  You cannot see mine.  I can get them to come up sometimes if I flex my throat.  My ent said the only way to get rid of them is removing my tonsils.  Mine is manageable for now but I think its from post nasal drip.  Its been awhile since the last post.  Any luck?
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