699217 tn?1323438700


Hey yall, this may be the wrong place to ask this question, but I need to know more about this drug.  My doctor gave it to me to help the swelling in my elbow, and she said it would also help my allergies which have been horrible for several months now.  Here in Texas all the trees and flowers or whatever lol are blooming and they hate me, I have suffered somethin awful.  She gave me 5 mg. and the bottle says to take one every day, she gave me 60 of them.  Do any of you have any experience with this drug?  I had taken it wayyyy back when i was having surgery on my left elbow, but it was a way stronger dose and it made me have the moon face, swollen ankles and i hated it.  I cannot even tell im taking this now.  I just want to hear some stories about this drug.  thanks yall :)  michele
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Hi michele and lulu - so sorry about your having Crohn's D - I had very bad problems with my hands 8yrs ago (took almost 4yrs to heal after I refused surgery) and had to take them.  I only took corticosteroid when necessary but weaned off quickly when possible.  I also got shots (high dosage) during treatment for my back problem - that year my allergies hardly gave me any problem and my skin looked great even in summer.  However, I had not only swollen ankles, but hands as well, had a big moonface and was bloated.  My GP stopped it while the orthopedic surgeons continue usage.
I have very bad allergy and asthma but don't take them, I am on other meds - right now - singulair  and telfast at times plus sprays etc; try if possible to do without corticosteroids for allergies. If you can use saline solution to cleanse your nose - I don't know what it is called in English, it is called Emser salt in German.  That really helps.  Can't live with and without corticosteroid. The side effects are like for every other drug bad.  All the best to you ... ;-))  You know I was on this site for weaning off tramadol and I find out that there are so many people out there who are suffering .....I hope that everyone will feel and get well soon.
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699217 tn?1323438700
thanks lulu!  I really never thought it was a dependant type of drug, but I don't have that much experience with it, have a good friend with Chrons too, and she takes massive amts. of it also, but she is on all kinds of stuff, I will probably talk with her about it.  Im just hoping it will help with the allergies more than the elbow even.  Sorry to hear you have this awful disease!  Good luck to you too, will pray for you.  Peace :)
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1926359 tn?1331588139
For me prednisone was both a lifesaver and the devil drug.  I have Crohn's disease and if it were't for the pred I probably would have lost a good portion of my colon.  Then I became prednisone dependant and every time I would try to wean down I got so sick-once my adrenals crashed and I ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks.  I was never on a very high dose-maybe 40 to begin with and then tapered down.  I was lucky I never got the moon face-but it did mess with my mind, emotions, hormones etc.  I am happy to say I haven't had to take it except for short bursts during flares in three years. If you are on it short term and it helps and you don't have awful side effects I say go for it.  But I would check all other options first.  Good luck(:
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