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Random Coughs

Hi I'm 23 years old and I've been experiences these random episodes of coughs. It starts with an itchy sensation in my  upper chest, then my eyes start to water and my nose starts running, as I am coughing uncontrollably.It usually last about a minute or two, but when I am done my face and eyes are red from the strain of coughing. Its so embarrassing because it happens at random times, and I often be in public or in class so I have to quickly excuse myself. It feels like I have to sneeze but sometimes I can't even get out the sneeze. It horrible! I've been dealing with this on and off for years, it comes and goes. I don't have any allergies, and I am not on any medication. I want to know what might be triggering these attacks and what can I do to stop it.
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sounds like you're allergic to something.  allergies can come on at any time, at any age.  even if you have never experienced them in your lifetime, they can start at any given time.  check with an allergist or maybe even an ENT (ears, nose, throat specialist).  good luck!
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Since when have you been having these symptoms?

Do you have associated symptoms of fever, sinusitis or rhinitis? Is there any past or family history of allergic reactions?

Have you tried any medications for your symptoms as yet? Have any investigations been done? It would be advisable to get a chest xray, and CT scan of your sinuses done.

You need to consult your doctor for a proper clinical evaluation and to rule out sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, asthma and any allergies as the cause of your symptoms.

Till then you could try warm saline gargles, steam inhalation, oral antihistamine medications and see if it helps with your symptoms.

Let us know if you have any other doubts and post us about how you are doing.

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