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Rash from Amoxicillin

I recently went to the doctor to find out that I had mono and strep throat. The doctor had given me amoxicillin which is the reason I had to change doctors. Not only did the amoxicillin make my throat close up to the point where I could barely breath, I broke out in "the rash from hell" from head to toe. I am currently on steroids and benadryl but both seem to not be doing anything because my rash gets worse every day. I have tried all sorts of anti-itch creams and none of them work either. I have been told it's because it was a drug induced rash and therefore no cream will help anyways. I would much rather still have strep throat than to have to live with this most itchy rash I have ever encountered. If there is anyone that knows how I can get rid of this horrible rash, please let me know!
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My 14 month old has just finished amoxicilin on monday for a chest infection (he has had amoxicilin 3 times before with no problems) and Wednesday he started with a few spots, my husband took him to the docs who thought it may be the start of chicken pox, but to keep an eye on him and that he was fine to go to nursery. Nursery rang later that day to say that we had better go get him as he was getting worse. When my husband picked him up he looked a mess, big red patches everywhere. the doc said that is was an alergic reation and to get him some periton. this morning, he looks worse than ever, his face is swollen and red and he sounds like he is getting a cold.  The doctors cant see him till this afternoon, its a nightmare. I dont understand how after he has had the medicine 3 times before only now he has a reaction.
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My dentist prescribed me the drug for my left third molars and after 5 days I feel a bit itchy all over... I take one pill every 8 hours (1g) and I'll have to take them for 3 more days.

Anyway I called to my dentist and he said that I'm not allergic (I felt like I was paranoid for a moment)  yet that damn rash is still killing me. My cousin on the other hand, who's a doctor, told me that I probably am...
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My 8 yr old daughter just had a reaction to Amoxicillin after 8 days of use for the treatment of Strep.  I took her to our family physician and he gave her a steroid shot.  The rash dissapeared within 4 hours of the shot.  He also suggested, which we have followed, administer over the counter Claritin for children during the day; and Benydryl for children at night time.
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We the Grand Parents and the parents had the most harrowing Christmas when our two and half year old grandson had the worst allergic reaction to Amoxicillin. That little baby had severe rash and swelling all over the body and he could barely stand or sit. We spend the whole of Christmas eve and the Christmas day praying to God help us and our grandson get over this nightmare of agony. We rushed him twice to the emergency (once on the Christmas eve and the second time on the Christmas day ) only to realize that not much can be done to get rid of the allergy or sooth the child who was feeling itchy all over. I am sending you all this message at 4.42 am watching my grandson shivering and complaining that he is not feeling well. We sit in prayers wondering why couldn't there be a system to warn the parents and especially the Doctors about the potential allergy issues so that they can watch out for any symptoms and to stop the administration of the medicine in good time and get the necessary medical help before the hell break loose. I feel the responsibility of warning the world lays more with the Drug manufacturer more than any one else. Apparently since the complaints about this drug has been in existence for over an year,  I earnestly wish some one with a good legal background take up this issue so that many a children and their parents could be saved of this agony.
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Knowing that it will die down over time doesn't help when it itches like hell and you can't sleep and nothing makes it stop and you want to peel your skin off. Antibiotics saved my life - literally - but the rash was worse than the sepsis it was treating.
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Sounds like you are allergic to penicillin. Welcome to the club. Just stop taking the drug, and the symptoms will die down over time.
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