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Red bumps on feet from sun

I have red bumps on my feet and some on my legs and knees after being  in the sun. Is this a sun allergy? It only happens when I am out in the sun. They burn and are itchy. Will a certain sunblock help prevent this? Or what can I do?
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1115551 tn?1292093976
There is really nothing to worry about. There are home remedies that you could use, such as applying the aloe gel gotten from aloe vera leaf.
Dab some fresh milk on the affected part, also provides immediate relief.

To prevent reccurrence of such bumps, then I think it is advisable to wear clothes with long sleeves when staying long in the sun.
Drink adequate amounts of water to ensure your skin is rehydrated.

It is also important that you apply generous amounts of sunscreen with minmum SPF30.It is better if it's water resistant.
Eat foods high in Vitamin D, and finally avoid tanning beds, as it might cause wrinkling, and increases the chances of skin cancer.
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yup i think you should use proper sun block
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Thank you for the reply. I will try these things out and see if it helps. Once again thanks.        stephgenell
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